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Tony's P.O.V

She's stunning, really. Her long wavy hair that nears the middle of her back, the blackness making her pale blue eyes look icy. She dances in circles and jumps around to the music laughing with the biggest smile on her face. I can't help but join her. Her laugh sounds like wind chimes and is nothing but contagious. She sings along word by word and I struggle to join her. SWS is just killing it, and i can't believe I'm really here.

"Thank you guys so much!" Kellin says a few parting words and runs towards the side stage. Tamara turns spins around and says

"That was so much fun!" her eyes are wide with excitement and i can't help but smile at her.

"Your dance moves are fantastic." I reassure her. 

"I'm surprised you kept up."

Kellin then walks up and introduces himself. Tamara laughs and says

"I know who you are, I love you guys."

Kellin seems a bit surprised but doesn't  hold back on the hug he then launches on her.

"I love your band!" exclaims Kellin, hand on each of her shoulders."We actually did a cover of one of your songs"

she laughs her angelic laugh and replies to him with

"I actually downloaded your cover of my song."

She then turns to face me, "You've met Tony right? He rocks my socks."

I smile and wave at Kellin and he returns it.

"Yes we have, their set is right before ours,"

says Kellin. We stay and chat for a while, and Tamara is introduced to the other members of SWS. After we say our goodbyes, Tamara leads me away from the stage and towards the buses.

"It was really cool hanging out with you," I awkwardly tell her.She smiles and says

"Cool? Really, Tony. There has to be a better word."

I laugh and we turn the corner coming around to our buses witch are parked quite close to each other.

"Good first day of Warp?" she asks, as we stop walking and stand in the space where we will have to part ways.

"Perfect. The people here are amazing," I reply, looking into her eyes.

How could they still look so beautiful in the crappy lighting? Her lips looked so soft, they're cotton candy pink, and I can't help but wonder if they taste as good as they look. She looks down and tucks a piece of hair around her ear, as if she is thinking about whether or not she should stay. I notice the bandanna on her wrist, I gently grab her wrist and trace the pattern on the bandanna.

"How many do you have of these?" i said smiling.

She wears one everywhere, all the time. It's her signature style.

"Too many." she gives a strained grin and tugs her arm away forcefully.

"Sorry i didn't mean to-" I begin but she cuts me off.

"It's fine," she doesn't look at me. I instantly feel guilt.

"You should come to our bus and hang with the guys," I suggest, I can't let her leave just yet.

"Sounds good." she smiles and heads toward the bus, but she  won't meet my eyes. 


I felt a twang of jealously as Tamara laughs at another comment from Oli. When me and Tamara got on the bus, the rest of PTV was there and joined by Bring Me The Horizon members Oli and Matt N. Or just Nicholls. Sykes has gotten quite comfy next to Tamara since we came in. I sat across from them, on the other couch, Vic and I playing around a bit with some acoustic stuff. This was not what i had wanted. But she seemed a bit distant, then what she was like 30 minutes ago. Maybe thats just her. I hope it isn't.

"Some Jack Daniels, love?" Oli offered her getting up from his seat to refill his cup.

"I don't drink," she states taking a sip from her cream soda.

"You poor soul," he  looks at her in astonishment. She laughs

"No, I can but not a lot. And I feel the same buzz from, like cereal. From anything really. I get drunk off life." she shrugs.

"Kidney thing?"

Oli asks sitting back down putting a hand on her knee. It might have been weird to be jealous, but I've had a crush on her since i first saw them play live three years ago. I never thought i would actually meet her. Much less be sitting with her on a tour bus for a band I play in.

"No. Liver," she replies shaking her head.

Oli's hand falls off her knee and she stands up and finishes the last of her drink.

"I should really get going. Thanks for having me though,"

she smiles and waves as she walks towards the door. I set the guitar down and jump up.

'I'll walk you to your bus," I offer before Oli could.

She smiles.

"Tony, it's like 100 meters away,"

she stops before the door to tell me what I already know.

"Yeah, but it's dark," I  say smiling, looking in her eyes.

"Okay," she nods "Bye Vic, Bye Mike, Bye Jaime, Bye Oli!"

she yells as I step ahead and open the door for her. There is a chorus of 'goodbyes' and 'I love yous' as she steps outside to join me.

"You really didn't have to," she says looking down as we begin to walk.

"I wanted to," I shrug. We talk as much as two people could in the span of 100 meters. We stop outside her bus door.

"Thanks," she says not really looking at me.

"You should really stop doing that," I exhale.

"What?" she asks picking at her fingernail.

"Looking down. You have the prettiest eyes, I wish you'd let me see them more."

A smile cracks onto her lips and she looks up.

"One second you have all this confidence, next you seem all shy. It's a bit confusing you know,"

I tell her, hoping i didn't come off as rude. She stares into my eyes for a while, as if she's thinking of what to say. But,

"Good night, Tony."

is all she says as she opens the door and steps onto the bus. 

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