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Tony P.O.V

The bus jolts to a stop and our driver lets us know we're here. Her body was pressed  up against mine tightly, with a batman blanket keeping us warm. We fit together in the bunk perfectly. Last night was perfect, we talked and cuddle and just appreciated each others existence. I nudge Tamara awake

"We're here babe,"

i kiss her forehead and her eyes flutter open.

"Where?" she asks still half asleep.

"San Diego" i smile at her. She forces one in return.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"This is the last stop..."

she says quietly her eyes on my arm as she traces my tattoos. She was right. We started in L.A, did a huge circle around the country and were stopping in San Diego.

"We still have two more shows to play. And don't you live here?"

I remember watching an interview she was in, she talked about growing up here. I  never saw her though.

"I did, but i moved to L.A when I was 18, cause that was when the band took off."

 I space out into her eyes again

"Well, were actually moving to L.A for a bit to record a new album." I tell her.

Her face lights up.

"That's perfect." she smiles and kisses me lightly on the lips.

"But, well we're here, you should come meet my mom."

She lays on her back and stares at the top of the bunk.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Would she like me? Is it too soon? Cause-" i cut her off.

"She'll love you. I guarantee."

"But does that mean you want to meet mine?" she asks quietly looking at anywhere but at me.

"I'd like too, but i don't have too."

I reply tracing the piercings that go all the way down her ear.

"Okay. Can we visit your mom this afternoon then head straight to mine?" she asks.

"Good plan." i reply.

She then slides out of the bunk and i soon follow.

"I have sound check, but I"ll come watch you play."

She kisses me goodbye.

"See you later."

i walk her out as she carries her high tops, too lazy to tie them on. When I turn around I'm faced with a three boys all giving me questioning looks.

"You guys were surprisingly quiet." comments Jaime.

"Were you really that bad?" he adds. Vic and Mike laugh.

"We didn't sleep together!" I protest.

"Well we did, but not that way." I clarify.

"What's holding you back Tone?" asks Mike.

"Three idiots that I  have to share a bus with." I reply as i brush past them and back to my bunk.

Tamara P.O.V 

Sound check flew by, and I avoided being interrogating by just flat out telling them me and Tony haven't slept together. I was now on my way to a tent to do press, while the others sign some stuff for a contest. The interviewer is sweet, and asks all the regular questions.

"Do you write all your own songs?"

"Yep. I am always helped by my band members though, and sometimes by friends or other artists."

i reply. She continues with a few more basic ones, then moves to questions from twitter. There are some silly ones then i hear this one

"Are you currently single?"

I freeze. Was I? I mean me and Tony have gone on other dates besides the ice cream one, but he never really popped the question.

"One second." i tell her digging out my phone.I dial Tony's number.

"Hey beautiful." he answers on the second ring. I laugh,

'Hey. So would you consider me single?" i ask awkwardly.

"Who's asking? Are you okay?" he sounds a bit panicky.

"I'm fine, just doing an interview."

I reply and mouth sorry to the interviewer. She shakes her head and say no problem and her eyes go big as she enjoys my random phone call.

"Well then, you are completely and inevitably taken by me."

He tells me. I smile

"Thanks babe." I end the call.

"Do you have an answer now?" the interviewer asks her expression drowning in curiosity.

"I am completely, and inevitably taken."

I say proudly to the camera.

"Well there ya have it!" the interviewer says.

She wraps up the interview and thanks me. As I make my way to where the boys are signing stuff, i go along the fence where fans are waiting to get in. I hear my name being screamed, so I go and spend time signing T-shirts and what not. I chat with quite a few of them listening to their stories. I text Tony where I am and he comes and finds me 20 minutes later, and we leave for his mom's house taking a yellow cab. 

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