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Tony's P.O.V 

I make my way to Tamara's as quickly as I can. Running up the stairs and opening the door myself with the key I know she hides in the planter. I burst through the door and immediately turn the rest of the apartments lights on. I see an upset Alex leaning against the bathroom door and I hear the shower running. Alex gets up and walk towards me. 

"She won't talk to me."

He runs his hands frustratedly through his hair. 

"I called you because you make her happy. And I don't."

I nod.

"Please just help her. I'm the one who always saves her but I can't this time. She won't let me."

He then walks past me and lays down on the couch. 

I walk to the bathroom door and knock quietly.




"Why are you here?" 

"To see you." 


The door unlocks and opens ever so slightly. Her grey looking eyes peek out at me.

"It really is you." 

I push the rest the door open and Tamara is standing up a few feet away from me. I look around the bathroom to see red stains on the floor and counter with a few red hand prints here and there, Empty pencil sharpeners with the blades taken out lay scattered. But then my eyes find her. Her hands are scarlet. With torn up thighs filled with layers of scars over scars, new and old but definitely consistent. I look up the her stomach, her hip bones stick out madly and I can count each of her ribs. I reach out and fit my entire hand over her now insanely small wrist.


She slumps down to the ground with her back against the wall. I stop the cold shower and begin filling up  hot bath.

"Why?" is all I say

"I just wanted to feel something. Anything. I don't even feel alive most the time Tony. It's like everyone else is living  their life and I'm stuck in this bubble just watching. Like I don't exist. I'm just a ghost."

 I feel guilty. I would've seen her fall into this depression. I coulld've helped her before it got this bad. But I shut her out of my life. 

"How long have you been unhappy, Tea?"

"About a month after me and Alex were together. I'm not in love with him, I thought I had to be because he saved my life so many times. I thought that I was trapped, that this is the end. That I have to spend the rest of my life with him. How can you leave somebody who did so much for you?"

Her eyes start to well up a bit.

"I thought that he's the only one that could ever truly love me. That no one else could handle this broken screwed up heart. It's like I'm drowning, and everyone else around me can breathe. But they just watch, instead of saving me."

The tears start to slide down her cheeks. I help her stand up and lift her into the bath. I carefully clean the blood off her raw skin and run shampoo plus conditioner through her long hair.  As I do this she just cries. Finally releasing all her sadness. By the time I finish cleaning her up, her body is shaking in sobs. I cautiously lift her frail body out of the tub and wrap her up in a towel. She follows me to her room and I lay out comfy clothes for her to change into well I return to the bathroom. I wet a cloth and clean up the blood, grab the blades and place them into a bag for me to take and throw out elsewhere. When I get back to her room she is changed and tucked into the  sheets. I go and lay next to her. Not too close, but just close enough. I take her hand in mine. 

"Talk." I tell her quietly. "What can we do to stop this?"

She stays quiet for a minute then tells me.

"Alex makes me sad. He is a living reminder of all the bad things I've gone through. He hangs it over my head like I should worship him. I feel like he only loves me because he saved me and is proud of himself. He treats me like property.  Me and him can't be together any more, it just hurts me. I'm gonna take a break. You know we're making our new album right now so I'm just gonna focus on the music. You and Alex are both doing Warped and are leaving to Seattle tomorrow. I'm glad you came here tonight, I know today was your first show here in L.A, I was there. It might be hard but I  wanna be friends, Tony. You mean so  much to me."

Eye contact doesn't break as she tells me this. Although I still love Tamara with every inch of my heart , I manage to accept her wishes to only be friends.

"You can't just bleed out your problems, Tamara."

"I know, this won't happen again."

"Didn't you say that last time?" 

"I swear on my life." 

"That doesn't sound appropriate."



"Trust me. I won't hurt myself again, I swear for you, Alex, Logan, Ben, Jace and everyone who's ever loved or appreciated me."


We smile at each other before her eyes flutter shut and her breathing slows as she falls asleep. I get out of the bed careful not to wake her, and leave to go talk to Alex shutting her bedroom door behind me. 

As soon as I step out he jumps from his spot on the couch. 

"Alex, you need to give her space."  

He looks a bit offended and says,

"Says her ex-boyfriend to her current boyfriend?"

I brush off the insulting comment and reply

"Yes you piece of absolute shit. If I don't recall the current boyfriend had to call the ex-boyfriend for help with her."

I saw the smirk fall off his lips. 

"She needs space. She'll probably talk to you in the morning but until she calls you go home, Alex."

He seems to understand and we walk together to the door of her apartment. 

"Shouldn't someone stay to make sure she doesn't do something stupid?" Aex asks.

"No, we need to trust her so she can finally trust us." 

With that we go our seperate ways both wishing the same thing.

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