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Tony P.O.V

I desperately try to flatten my hair. Too flat. I run my fingers through it roughly. Too poofy. I groan in frustration.

"You're such a girl!"

Jaime says from his gaming position on the couch.

"I'm nervous,"

I tell him deciding to just wear a snapback.

"Don't be. You and Tea are best friends, it can only get better. Plus, her and I have gotten pretty close too. She's crazy over you."

Jaime tells me, pausing his game.

"Seriously. Just relax Tone,"

he assures me. I take a deep breath and flop on to the other couch.

"Where did the name Tea come from?"

I ask him.

"I don't know, I heard Logan call her that once and thought it suited her. And she has a mug that says Tea. And a shirt. And socks. How have you not noticed these things?"

he asks, continuing the game.

"Because while you're checking out her socks we're checking out her ass!"

Interrupts Mike as he joins us in the back. I throw a pillow at his face and he throws his hands up defensively.

"It's true,"

agrees Vic leaning on the doorway. I get up shaking my head while the guys laugh at me blushing.

"Sorry ladies but I have an ice cream date to attend,"

I wave as I leave the bus. They laugh and yell at me


Oh jeeze. I walk the short distance to the YTC bus and knock on the door. I'm greeted by Ben as he lets me in.

"All in the back,"

he points and follows me to the back of the bus. I see Tamara laughing as Jace is doing something definitely stupid.

"Look who's here!"

yells Ben from behind me. I walk into the area and wave. Tamara jumps up with a smile.

"We should go before Logan gets here,"

she suggests. I laugh understanding his older-brother type of relationship with Tamara.

"Good idea."

Ben and Jace start up a game as me and Tamara leave the bus. We run into Logan right as Tamara opens the door.

"Hey TJ, where ya going?"

he asks non-chalantly. We squeeze past him as Tamara quickly says


Then she takes my hand and starts to run.


we hear Logan yell at us. She laughs and waves goodbye to him. We run til we're out of the bus area then slow down to a walk She's still holding my hand. Her fingers were small, and they slipped just perfectly in between mine. Her hands were cool, but makes sense she's always cold. Relief washes over me as well as a bit of embarrassment, when I realize her outfit choice. She's sporting a baggy "Pierce The Veil" hoodie a jeans with red converse. I'm wearing my first "Your Twisted Consequence" shirt with a zip down drop dead sweater. She seems to have noticed as well when she smiles at my shirt.

"You got good taste Miss. Jones,"

I tell her holding my head high.

"As well as you Mr. Perry,"

she mocks a snobbish tone and posture. We smile at one another and cross the street. We continue to chat as we walk a few blocks to a small diner. When we step inside her face lights up to see the old-style diner with checkered floors and a record player. We sit at the counter and order two chocolate milkshakes. The conversation flows easily, and time flies by. Before i know it I'm done my milkshake and Tamara has a third left of hers. A smile creeps on her face and she walks over to  the record player. She picks a song and inserts her fifty cents. "Blackbird" by the Beatles starts playing and she runs back towards me where I'm already out of my seat.

"May i have this dance?" I bow a bit to make her giggle.

"Why of course,"

she curtsies and takes my hand. Cheesy I know. But it was perfect. We moved slowly but close together her cheek pressed against my shoulder. I could feel her mouthing the words and that just made me like her even more. We spun in circles in the nearly empty diner til the song finished. I smile at her and she mirrors it back to me. I pay for the milkshakes and the waitress smile at me commenting on how cute me and Tamara are together. My hand finds Tamara's and we walk back together mostly silent. Enjoying the fact of just being with each other. When we reach her bus, I kiss her goodnight and hold on for as long as i can before she goes. Then I walk back to my bus, my lips lingering with the taste of heaven.

Tamara P.O.V

 I close the bus door behind me and take a deep breathe. I'm falling, slowly but all at once. I can't manage to wipe the smile off my face. I make my way to the bathroom but am attacked by three boys.

"What happened?"

"Where did he take you?"

"Did you kiss?"

the questions were thrown at me as Jace was pinning me down, Logan looked like he was going to puke, and Ben looked genuinely happy for me.

"Slow down guys,"

I say pushing Jace off me.

"It was a great date. He took me to a diner for milkshakes, and yes we did kiss."

I pointed the last answer at Logan. He groaned, Jace whooped and Ben sat there.

"It's only the first date and you kissed him?!"

Logan says with disbelief.

"I've kissed Tony before,"

I say standing up. I hear  "Ooohhhs" from Ben and Jace as they leave the bus to let me and Logan talk alone.

"What?" he says.

"Me and Tony have kissed before," I repeat myself.

"You barely know this kid," says Logan shaking his head.

"Um, one, he's older than me. He's not a 'kid'. Two, I've known him for almost two months, and its not like i'm marrying him!"I reply to Logan.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" he shouts.

"Because I knew you'd be on my ass about it! Just like you are now!" I yell back.

That gets him. He lowers his voice to a whisper.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. And I know no one can break your heart, so don't break his. You're getting attached to him, Tea, aren't you?" I nod.

"Tamara did you tell him anything?" Logan asks looking me in the eyes.

"Yes." I see Logan cringe.

"He knows bout Kyle," I say. Logan goes white.

"WHAT?" he shouts.

"NO, not everything. A brief version. He doesn't know the bad stuff don't worry."

I say sitting down. Logan sits next to me.

"You haven't dated since-"

"I know," I cut Logan off.

"When you think about it though that was only two years ago. When the band started,"

I smile weakly at him.

"You can't even drink yet," he smiles and pulls an arm round me.

"Well I'm not supposed to."

He laughs a bit. Then it goes quiet.

"I can't lose you, TJ. Please. If things go bad again we can do something. I won't lose you"

his voice quivers a bit.

"I  know," is all I tell him.

Pierce The Veil Fanfic (Tony Perry)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora