9 Picture Of Tamara

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I re-edited some of the chapters. Nothing superly major, except Tamara has dated other people who are on warped tour... How i see Tamara in the side bar :)

Tony P.O.V 

It's the last day for Warped and after we all play, each and every band are meeting for the final party. Throughout the tour we hung out with other bands but not everyone...  Me and Tamara were getting ready for the party, and by getting ready we were watching football. Her choice. "Woot." she cheers pumping a fist in the air as the Baltimore ravens rack up some points. Her bandmates throw pillows and random items in her direction. Mostly, hitting me as were squished together taking up a couch.

"Ravens girl?"

 I ask curious she's not cheering for the San Diego Chargers.

"Sticking to her roots." Logan replies to my question.

I raise an eyebrow at Tamara but she's engrossed in the game.


Logan gets her attention.


she whips around to face him. He looks at me.

"Yeah I was born in Baltimore and lived there till High School, we moved to the West Coast when my dad hit it big."

She says like its no big deal.


 i reply a little surprised she never told me. Should she have told me? 

 Tamara P.O.V 

The party was in the crowd section of the main stage, large speakers sat on the stage basting music, and everyone was dancing. I stay near the edge of the crowd chatting with Logan, the other boys off and partying. Alex Gaskarth manages to sneak up on us.

"Hey! I haen't seen you all tour."

he smiles and swallows me into a hug.

"Yeah, haha hey..."

i awkwardly reply not really looking at him. I check around him to see if i can spot the one person i've been avoiding all tour.

"Don't worry, he's not here."

Alex assures me knowing what i was thinking.

"Oh, its not uh..."

"It's fine. I understand."

Alex takes Logan's spot as it seems he has slipped away.

"You should stop avoiding him. He goes to every single one of your shows you know? And he's responsible, and caring and sweet and he hasn't seen anyone since."

Alex tries to convince me to think about him.

"I'm with Tony." i state.

"Oh... See this is why we need to talk more."  

Alex shakes his head. My eyes bulge out at a certain sight, Alex tries to block his view of me by stepping in front and throwing up his arms.

"Matthew Flyzik!"

He exclaims taking Matt into his arms, I try to sneak away but,


I cringe and turn around to see Matt staring hopefully at me.


i wave half-heartedly. "Sorry" Alex mouths and darts the other direction.

Tony P.O.V 

Pierce The Veil Fanfic (Tony Perry)Where stories live. Discover now