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Sorry if this kind of sucks. Shit is going down soon. I promise.

Tony's P.O.V

The crowd was overflowing around the main stage where YTC was going to preform. The kids are chanting names and are already rowdy for the show. I'm sitting with Tamara as their tech sets up her guitar. Its bright red and suits her perfectly. She starts to do vocal warm-ups and I can't help but laugh as she sings the sound of music

"Do a deer, a female deer..."

she gets halfway through til Jace throws a water bottle at her, nearly missing her head. She then decides to sing to me. Taking my hand and doing a waltz, she's singing Yeah Boy and Doll Face, our song. I notice Mike and VIc join in from where their watching us.

"TJ, stop screwing around! You're on in 2!"

her manager yells.

"Thank you for the dance,"

she curtsies and bounds towards the other members. She throws her guitar over her shoulder and the four band members form a circle. They start to clap then at the same time they all yell "YTC" and throw their hands up. I make my way up to the side stage right behind  her.

"Break a leg,"

I whisper in her ear. She jumps a bit.

"Scare me again and I'll break yours,"

she winks and runs onto the stage

"Hello Los Angeles, how the fuck are you doing?"

she greets them, bursting with energy. The crowd replies enthusiastically and they start their first song. I love watching them live. Her voice was perfect, she sounds exactly like she does on their records. I could just listen to her sing all day. Vic, Mike and Jaime all join me and we watch the performance. The entire set was electric and the crowd went ballistic. One guy threw his pants on stage.

"Thank you guys so much. It was amazing playing for you!"

Tamara says as she brushes a lock of hair away from her face. They come off the stage and towards us. Tamara hands her guitar to the tech and as she gets closer to me Vic sweeps her into a big bear hug. Jealousy prickles, but hopefully doesn't show.

"You were amazing! Perfect! Breathtaking!"

Vic babbles on, Tamara turns even more red but thanks him.

"I can't wait to see you guys play though,"

she smiles and makes her way to me. I engulf her in a another big hug

"You're sweaty,"

I crinkle my nose at her as we pull apart.

"You like it," she punches my arm and we make our way to the Hurley stage where we're playing. 


This routine continued on for the rest of the week. We would watch each other play, do press or signings, then watch other bands play. Once the crowds left we went to each other's buses for movie nights and/or drinking. Tamara and I had gotten closer and closer. We were now we're cuddling watching Forrest Gump, drinking cream soda, in the back of the PTV bus. My arms holding her tightly, and she cuddles her face into my chest. I reach up to get the remote and pause the movie. Tamara slides off me and sits cross legged.

'I can tell you anything right?"

She nods with a concerned expression.

"I already told you about being bullied, well during it I really like this girl. I thought I was in love with her. But I thought she didn't even know my name."

I saw Tamara smirk at this cliche story.

"And it turns out she did know my name. She liked me too, but I never told her. I missed out because I hid my feelings. That was grade 8."

Tamara nods, a bit unsure of where I'm going with this.

"Well I don't want that to happen again. TJ, I really care about you..."

I conclude reaching a hand out to her. I look up and see her face had gone white.

"I want you to know that,"

I say waiting for a response from her.

"Tony, I should really go,"

she moves to get up from the couch.


I get up and grab her wrist.

"Don't you think we'd be good together?"

I ask pleadingly.

"No I'd break your heart,"

She tries to get away but I grip tighter.

"What if I break yours?"

I counter.

"What if I don't have one?"

She stares right through me. She pulls out of my grasp and runs out of the bus. I chase after her.

"Did I do something? Is it me?"

I follow her to a patch of grass not far away.


she says coldly facing away from me.

"What is it? I can fix you. I can help you,"

I beg.

"No you can't. I don't love, Tony. I've taught myself to not get attached. You can't fix a missing part,"

she says quietly. I walk around so we're face to face.

"Tell me. Please. This past week i've told you so much."

It's true. I felt compelled to open up to her. She listened, she understood. She cups the side of my face lightly with her hand, she leans in and presses her soft lips to mine. My mind goes wild and I feel a million feet off the ground. She pulls away and all I want is her to kiss me again.

"Bye Tony."

She then walks away, leaving me frozen to the spot. 

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