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Tony P.O.V

I still haven't gotten out of bed. I was too cold. It was never warm enough without her. I groan and roll over to stare at the wall. There's a picture of us that Adam took. Me bracing myself over her as we lay in the grass. Our noses are just touching and my hand is cradling her face. I sigh, we both look so happy. What happened? She told me the bad things, and I understood. Isn't that enough rough stuff? I love her for all the broken bits too. I throw an arm over to reach for my phone, but am met with a Jaime's face.


he says smacking my hand away. I groan and pull the blankets over my head to avoid him.

"Come on, Tony. It's been four days. You need to get up. I know you miss her, we miss her too. I have to Skype her later, to write our song. You could join."

Vic offers. I still haven't told them she dumped me. Or I think she dumped me. Ugh.

"I can't." I tell Vic peeking my head out.

"Tony, we all miss her, okay? She's our friend too so can you stop being so-"

"She told me she didn't love me!" I yell cutting Jaime off.

Their jaws drop.

"Shit, sorry Tone. We didn't know."

Jaime starts to say. I shake my head and throw the covers off. I need to get my shit together.

Tamara P.O.V

"Alex! Alex stop, oh my god."

I scream as tears stream down my face. He continues to tickle me mercilessly. He pins me to the couch,

"Say it!!"

I'm barely able to reply over my laughter.

"Say, say what?"

"Tell me you love me."

He says as we're both trying to catch our breath. Thankfully, Logan saw this awkward moment and dives in tickling Alex.

"Stay away from my little T.J!! She's defenseless to giggles."

I laugh as the two begin to wrestle with Logan eventually winning. I check the time and dig out my lap top, instantly calling Vic over Skype.

"Hey T.J"

he says with a pizza slice in his mouth. I laugh


I say a few hello's to Jaime and Mike, but Tony isn't present. I feel a built guilty from my relief of his absence.

"I tried calling you earlier," says Vic.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I kinda stopped using it."

I say honestly. Tony tried to call at least a hundred times, but I thought I was pretty clear. I need to be single and focus on the music.

"Oh yeah, that." Vic says awkwardly.

"Sorry, but let’s get down to business."

Vic and I discuss the song; I already wrote the first verse and emailed it to him. After discussing the bridge and pre-chorus I set down my lap top and grab my acoustic.

"This is the longest Skype like ever."

I laugh a bit. Vic and I wanted to finalize the lyrics in one night. It's been four hours.

"I know,"

he laughs along and grabs his acoustic as well. I show him a few chords I'd like to use, and he bounces back some ideas. After half an hour we have the first verse and chorus completely finished. Alex, after being neglected comes and cuddles me in a friendly way. Alex, Vic and I talk for a bit, laughing and getting along.

"Hey, Vic! Still talking to Tamara?"

I hear Tony say as a door slams. My face drains of color and everyone goes quiet. I feel Alex nuzzle closer but I push him off me just in time as Tony looks at the screen.

"Hey," he says quietly.

"Hey," I reply with an awkward wave.

"I should go, it's late." I say.

Tony's smile falls and he says

"Yeah, see ya." he then turn and leaves.

I instantly feel guilt knotting in my stomach.

"That was awkward." says Vic once Tony is out of earshot.

I shrug and tell him I'll Skype him tomorrow same time. We say goodbye and I see Alex has left and the other boys are out partying. I sigh and crawl into my bunk and try to sleep. But it's just too cold without him. I feel someone crawl into the bunk with me, and instantly know its Alex. We usually share a bunk, either his or mine.

"How do you do it?" he whispers in my ear.

"Do what?" I ask.

"You get all this love, but resist returning it." he tells me.

"Because I don't need love."

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