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Tony P.O.V 

I don't say a word.  

I stand there in shock. 

What? Who? When?

This all spins through my mind. 

It can't be Alex. 

"It's not, Alex."

She says reading my mind. I break out of my trance . I search for the right words to say but I come up empty. My mouths just stays parted in a mix of surprise, jealousy and just a little bit of hurt. 

"Who." I finally manage to choke out, kind of sounding like an owl.

She laughs a bit and looks at her feet. 

"Well.." she's cut off by a pair of tattooed arms sweeping her off her feet. As I realise we have walked out of our little place and closer to the buses. 

"My lovely Tea Bird abandoned me." he teases her. 

He leans in to kiss her but she stops him. 

"This is important, sorry. I'll come see you soon though I promise." she assures him. 

He finally notices my presence and sets her down, understanding me and Tamara's glass house relationship. 

"Nice to see you, Tony." he nods at me.

"You too, Oli." I nod back but without a smile. 

He sneaks a quick peck on Tamara's cheek then runs off back to the buses. 

"We toured together. It wasn't till months after me and Alex broke up, but he didn't comfort me. And I didn't want him to. You helped me with my problems, you made me feel beautiful again and no one can ever replace you. But with Oli, I can forget. I can just be happy, the sad things can't break this wall of protection, loving protection, he built around my heart. He just makes me so happy."

She's smiling now, her eyes drift off as she's deep in thought.

"Does he know everything?" I ask

"He knows enough. He's seen all my scars, even has some matching ones. But he doesn't care about the past. He's just as crazy as I am."

Her eyes seem to shine a little  brighter as she talks to him.

"When's the wedding?"

"We don't know. We just wanted to show the world we belong to each other. I guess whenever we can find time to have the wedding..."

"I'm happy for you." I say genuinely meaning it.

"I'm happy you're happy for me. I'm happy you're here. I'm just happy."

We hug tightly. Like two people who only get one hug a life time. 

"That's all you ever wanted."

"And I finally found it."  


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