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Long and sad but cute and will kick you in the feels.

Tamara P.O.V

The house wasn't huge, but it wasn't small. It was in a smaller part of the town. The ride wasn't long but Tony's hand still managed to find mine. We walk up the path together and are greeted without even having to ring the bell.

"Tony!" a small woman exclaims and takes him into a hug.

She breaks away and turns to me

"And you must be Tamara!" she pulls me into a tight hug as well.

"She prefers T-" I cut him off

"Tamara's fine." I smile.

She pushes us into the house and towards the living room. I look around at all the photos of Tony growing up, from him as a baby to high school. I stop and laugh a bit at one where he is about 7 or 8 and is dressed as a cowboy.

"Move along now, Miss." he herds me onto the couch.

"Can i get a copy of that?" I laugh.

She winks at me "Of course dear."

The three of us talk, making easy conversation. Tony tells her about going to L.A for a bit, when asked we told her about our first date, and that the rest of the boys say hello. After about 20 minutes she sends Tony to make tea.When he leaves the room, Mrs. Perry digs out a photo and hands it to me.

"That's Tony and his father on Halloween when Tony was 6."

I look at little Tony dressed as Batman.

"His father died when he was ten, Tony was so strong about it. He fixes people. And he can fix you. I can see it in your eyes you know. Your broken. But Tony managed to take care of me, I know he'll give you the world." she smiles at me her eyes shining.

She stands up and hugs me. We break apart when Tony returns

"I can't find the tea leaves..." he says innocently.

"That's fine, dear. Didn't you mention over the phone this morning you were also going to visit Tamara's parents?" She says sweetly regaining her composure.

"Yes. We are."

Tony smiles at me and comes over to take my hand. She walks us to the door and hugs us both goodbye making Tony promise to call her soon. As we walk back out to hail another taxi Tony tells me

"She loves you." I laugh.

"I like her. She's nice."

I tell him. He pecks me on the lips then we jump into the taxi off to my parents house. 

Tony's P.O.V

She tells the driver the address then lays back in the seat, moving over to rest her head on my shoulder. I intwine our fingers and look out the window. The drive was a good 15 minutes, and we were on the other side of town. Where all the big houses are. I look back down at Tamara to see her eyes closed and resting on my shoulder. We pull up to a large robin egg blue house, with white shutters, and a white wrap around porch on both levels. Wow. There's a pond in the front with a little bridge to cross, surrounded by a well kept garden that spread to a four car garage. I nudge Tamara awake and pay the driver. We walk the path and over the mini bridge, up the porch and to the large double white doors. She takes a deep breathe and pulls out a key chain, and inserts a gold one that has a J imprinted on it. We step inside the foyer and the huge space feels empty. Its the cold kind of beauty, large and well decorated, but with a dead feeling.

"You can explore, I'm gonna see if their home. My old room is upstairs to the left at the end of the hall."

she then walks away through a swinging door. I follow her directions up to her room. Unlike the rest of the house her room was red and black. Hard, edgy, angsty teenager type of room. Whereas the rest of the house was soft. It was a large room, with a queen sized bed and a large outdoor patio with big glass doors. I take interest in the huge closet. It was surprisingly full, for a girl who moved out. I click on the light and a flicker of silver catches my eye behind the rows of clothes. I head to the back wall and separate the clothing, pushing the hangers out of the way to let me see behind it. There was a box. I Take the silver box and go and put it on her bed. I didn't mean to invade her privacy but curiosity killed the cat.

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