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Tony's P.O.V

I didn't sleep at all. I agonizingly stared at the clock till I could,t take anymore, and got out of bed at five. I shrug on a shirt and basketball shorts and walk into my bathroom. I firmly place both hands on the counter and look up. There are huge bags under my eyes and my hair's a mess. I splash some water on my face and head downstairs. I pull a blanket over Jaime where he fell asleep on the couch, and turn off the show he was watching. I walk into the kitchen and pull a bottle of water from the fridge. I slam the door shut and I see her face. Smiling wide with my arms around her waist. The picture taken on tour, after she watched me play. I sigh and take a long swig, then run out the back door. After my run  come back in and shower, try to flatten my God damn hair and throw on some clean clothes. I collapse in the window seat in the living room waiting for Tamara to come. 

I wake up to someone kissing my cheek. I laugh and open my eyes to see Tamara's blue ones meeting mine. I take a moment just to take in all that blue. I cup her face and needfully press our lips together. She responds immediately and we fall to the floor similar to the skateboard incident. When our faces finally part she says quietly.

"Hi Tony."

I  smile and peck her once more.


"I missed you." she tells me.

"Then why didn't you come sooner?" I ask.

Her smile drops and she rolls off me, and sits in the window seat. I go and sit next to her grabbing her hand.

"I was confused, and everything is just overwhelming." she tells me quietly.

"And it seemed to good to be true. Like I'm just waiting for something bad to happen. Aren't you scared of that, Tony?"

She looks up at me, but before i could reply she stands up and paces a bit before turning  back to talk to me

. "I'm terrified. You have such a huge impact on me. I'm so attached to you. And its making me crazy, I feel like i'm weak. You make me weak and vulnerable and I'm not strong anymore. Because of these feelings for you it's driving me mad. Your doing this to me. And I'm not sure if I love it, or if I need to run away from it."

I stand up and walk towards her, grabbing her hands.

"I'm scared too. But maybe we can be scared together. If you can't be strong I'll try my best to do it for you. And if you don't love me back right away, that's ok. Because I tell you I love you because that's how I feel. And you deserve to feel it to. I make you crazy, and you make me crazy. We can be crazy together. Your not weak. You've never been weak."

I rub my thumbs over her wrists.

"And maybe it's okay to be attached to me. Because I won't leave you. I'm real, your real, and my love for you is as real as it gets."

I kiss her once more. Not like the first one, this one was sweet and slow. I open my eyes first and watch as hers slowly open.

"Tony, I'm going on another tour."

The happy mood instantly deflates.

"Already? When?" I ask her.

"Two weeks." she says quietly.

"Fuck." I curse under my breath.

"Why are you leaving me?" I demand throwing my hands into my hair.

Her hands fall to her sides and her expression turns cold.

"Its not my choice."

"Who's joining you and where?" I ask calming down.

"Just in the U.S, its only two months long." She reassures me.

"Who are you going with?" I ask again.

"All Time Low and Bring Me The Horizon." I turn to face her my eyes lost.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I beg.

"Its no my choice Tony." she protests raising her voice.

"Yes it is!" I pointlessly lie.

"You always push people away, then blame everyone else for your problems. Your pushing me away right now." I yell.

She doesn't say anything and that's when I know I crossed a line.

"Tony, I don't think this is gonna work." she says quietly.

"Are you leaving me?" I ask my breath catching a bit.

"Not completely, we have these two weeks. But I think well I'm touring we should take a break. Then when I come back to record the album we can see what happens." She suggests.

"Are you planning to sleep with Alex?" I rudely joke.

She shakes her head and opens the front door.

"No wait, Shit I'm sorry. Tea-"

I move closer to her. She shakes her head and says

"He's better than you anyways."

She turns to go but I grab her wrist.

"You've never had me. Sweetheart, I'll prove you so wrong."

I throw her over my shoulder and run her up to my room. 

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