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Alex P.O.V 

Tamara has been acting differently. Everything has made me so overwhelmingly happy these past few months, I didn't notice her slowly growing away from me. It wasn't till this moment, that I hear her crying behind a locked door that I realize just because I was happy, didn't mean she felt the same. 

Earlier That Day

It was me and Tamara's 6 month anniversary. I wanted to do something special. She was meeting me at my place at 5 like we usually do Friday nights. I had set up my place the way it was on our first date. Candles, flowers all that romantic shit she laughs at. When I had set up the finishing touches I heard her open the door with the key I gave her. She stumbled in and I pull out a chair motioning for her to sit down. She came over and kissed me hello not even noticing the set up. "Why is it so dark?-" she cut herself off on her way to flick the lights. She took everything in. "Alex," is all she said. But that's okay, I love the way my name sounds when she says it. Her expression is soft, empty, almost hurt. But I was used to this. I subconsciously adapted to her depression, without realizing she was even in a depression. She put her coat on the couch and slowly walked towards me.

"Happy six months." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry."

"That's all I ever hear from you lately. How could you not remember?"

She stayed silent. 

"All you ever do is apologize while I try my hardest to make this work."

She couldn't even look at me.

"Do you know how much it hurts? That you're all I need and want but I'm still not enough for you? It kills me every fucking day and you can't even remember our god damn anniversary. For months you've been so cold and I was just blinded by the miracle of us being together I didn't even realize how one sided this relationship is. Now I finally pour my heart out and you have nothing to say?" 

I caught my breath and looked at her. Her eyes were hard, she wasn't into crying. She opened her mouth to say something but the words became lost and she quickly shut her lips together. 

"Fuck this. I'm tired of you just hurting me. It's been like this since high school God dammit. Don't you have anything to say?" I yelled the last part. 

"Anything!?" I screamed even louder. 

"Why didn't you let me die. If this is how you feel why did you save me?"

This time I was speechless. 

"Why did you keep me in this hell hole? You knew I was unhappy."

"Seriously? Tamara, you're famous. You're living your dream making music, saving lives. You were so happy. You have everything." 

"I was happy. But it all came back, Alex. All this sadness I bottled up and hid away is dumped on menow and I don't know how to handle it. I don't want everything, I don't need everything, I just want to be happy again."

It felt like a hole was punched through my heart. She wasn't happy. I don't make her happy.

She turned and ran out of my apartment, taking my heart with her.

 I tried to sleep that night, after blowing out the candles and crying my man card away. But I knew I couldn't without her next to me. So I grabbed her favorite ice cream and a hoodie of mine I know she loves to steal and made my way over to hers. I expected she'd be asleep, considering the early hour of the morning, so I let myself in being as quiet as can be. The entire apartment was pitch black, but I could hear the soft pattering of the shower. I set down my stuff and carefully made my way down the hall and to the bathroom. I opened the unlocked door softly and flicked on the lights. 

"Stop!" I shouted. 

Her head lazily turned toward me. There sitting in her bra and underwear dragging a razor across her thigh. I see that those aren't the only wounds, that she has been cutting for a while now. 

"Go away, Alex."

"Tea, please stop doing this to yourself."

"You just don't understand."

"No, I don't think you understand. When you hurt everyone else around you hurts too."

"Alex, just leave me here please."

"No, Tea-"


I stepped out of the tiled room and she slammed the door.

I sigh knowing what I need to do. I dig out my phone and dial, a breath of relief escapes when he answers.  


"Tony, it's Tamara. She needs your help. I don't know what to do.."

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