Chapter One

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Sophie's POV

"Stupid Whore!"

"Kill yourself!"

"Fat slut!"


These were some of the slurs thrown at me as I entered the school building. I usually pushed passed them and kept my head high, but today wasn't the best day. After getting almost beaten to death by your step father takes a toll on your self-esteem. Especially when you're only fourteen like me. There is only one reason why I am standing here breathing. And her name is Demi Lovato.

I walked up to my locker and opened it. That's when Kaylee, the queen bee of the whole school, came up to me.

"Hey Fatass when are you going to kill yourself for me?" She said as she pushed me down to the ground and relentlessly kicked me. She finally stopped and walked away.

I stoop up wobbly and ran out of the school. I wasn't going home though, I was going to the huge bridge that was by my house. It was high enough that if you jumped off of it you would die. That was my plan. To end my life. I'm not important anyway. I walked over by the bridge and sat on the edge. I took out my blade and sliced my arm five times.

"Why me? Why does everyone hate me?!" I sobbed into my arms. I turned around and was about to jump when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pulled me back.

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