Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter 26

Demi's POV

So tomorrow my tour starts and I want Sophie to come with me.

"Hey Soph, my tour starts tomorrow. Would you like to come?" I asked. Her eyes got big and her whole face lit up.

"I'd love to. But wouldn't I be a burden?" She asked. That broke my heart.

"You're never a burden babygirl." I said smiling. She smiled back and hugged me.

Sophie's POV

I'm really excited to go on tour with Demi. But I'm still scared I'll be a burden so I'm gonna leave her alone when she's working. I ran upstairs and started packing. What the hell do you pack for a tour?

"Deeemmmiiiii! What should I pack?" I asked her. She walked into the closet.

"Like shorts and a pair of jeans. Sweats. Sweatshirts. Pajamas. Tank tops. Flip flops. Vans. A pillow but you don't need one for long cause I take one from the hotels. But we will be staying in my tour bus for most of the time. We only stay at hotels wen I play in cities." She laughed at herself. I remember she told Ellen she does that. Steals pillows from the hotels she stays at.

"Oh yeah and your toothbrush." She said walking out. I packed everything she said and I packed a few cardigans and my studded combat boots. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush and two razors. Just in case I need it. I packed all my chargers and headphones. I packed my male up and perfume and put that in a little pouch on the side of my suitcase. I tried picking it up. Lets just say it's heavier then I am. I dragged it out of the closet and walked into the bedroom I dragged it towards the bed, tripping over a hanger in the process. I fell and the suitcase fell on top of me.

"Umph." I groaned trying to push the suitcase off of me. When I finally found the strength I pushed it off and stoop up. Demi was standing in the doorway with a smirk on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"Your suitcase is gigantic." She laughed.

"Oh and thanks for helping me up." I laughed dragging the suitcase and lifted it up and putting it on the bed. I walked into the living room and lied down on the couch. Demi was finished packing way before I was. We leave tomorrow morning around 4:30am. We are getting on her tour bus and going to San Francisco for her first show.

"Soph come and eat lunch." Demi called. I got off the couch and went into the kitchen. She was making Mac n Cheese. I sat at the table and took out my phone and played Collapse Blast. Demi got me hooked on this stupid game. She got me hooked on UnblockMe too. Her and her games. She gave me a bowl of Mac and Cheese and sat next to me with a bowl for herself. We started eating it and we finished it. I got up and grabbed Demi's bowl and put them in the dishwasher.

"We should go to sleep early tonight cause we have to get up early tomorrow." Demi said. I nodded. I started the dishwasher.

"Want to go out for ice cream again with Marissa? I wanna spend some time with her before I go on tour." She said.

"Sure!" I said. I love Marissa.

"Okay I'll call her." Demi said excitedly and ran out of the room. I kept playing Collapse Blast. Demi ran back in the room and sat down.

"Hey Marissa! Me and Sophie are gonna get ice cream. Wanna come?" Demi said into the phone. She smiled so I guess she said yes.

"Okay! See you later." Demi said hanging up the phone.

"We are going out to dinner with her then getting ice cream with her." She said. I ran upstairs to get changed. I put shorts and a jumper on and rolled the sleeves up. I put on my white lace TOMS to match my jumper and I put my hair in a long French sidebraid. I put two necklaces on. One was a locket with a picture of me and Demi and it had my name engraved on it and Demi's on the back. It was a present from Demi me she has the same one. Then the other was a diamond infinity sign I bought. I put bracelets on and did my make up and put it back in the suitcase. I ran downstairs and saw Demi was ready.

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