Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter 36

Demi's POV

I woke up hearing a thud on the ground. I looked at the clock and saw it was 4:13am. I turned and saw Marissa was still on the bed, but Sophie wasn't. I shot up from the bed and saw she fell off the bed and she was awake and cradling her ankle. I picked her up.

"You okay baby?" I asked placing her next to me on the bed.

"Y-yeah." she said. I knew she was lying. Her voice always stutters.

"Okay. How's your ankle? or your ribs?" I ask placing a hand on her abs. She flinched when I touched her stomach. I lifted her shirt and saw she had a huge bruise from where she fell.

"Dem stop. Go to bed. I'm fine." She said pushing my hands away, but I only held onto her shirt tighter.

"Here." I said giving her pain killers cause she needs them. I can tell.

Sophie's POV

Holy shit. I feel like someone ran over me with a truck 20,000 times. It's gonna be hard hiding my pain. Demi wrapped her arms around me and my breath hitched in my throat. She pulled me into her and I took everything in my will power not to scream.

She started rubbing my ribs slowly and the pain started subsiding. I eventually fell asleep.


I was the first to wake up. I unwrapped myself from Demi's grip ad wobbled where crutches were. I went into the kitchen and saw Marissa sitting down with an iced coffee in her hands.

"Morning Mar." I said

"Morning Soph. I would've got you something but you were sleeping and now the bus is driving so we can't go anywhere." She said helping me sit down.

"It's fine. I'm not hungry anyway." I said. That wasn't completely true. I was a little hungry. Marissa gave me that -I don't believe you- look.

"Seriously." I said.

"Okay. Whatever you say." She said walking into the bedroom. Shit. I hope she doesn't tell Demi. I'm not slipping back into my old ways, but I'm not getting better. So it's like staying in one spot.

I got up the chair. Ignoring the sharp pain in my stomach. I have a huge ass bruise on my rib area. I went into the living room and sat down , putting my leg up. I feel like an old lady. I hate having broken bones. You can't do anything. And Demi won't even let me do anything. I'm not complaining, I love when Demi babies me, but now it's 100x more.

"Morning babe." Demi said walking into the living room.

"Morning Dems." I said moving my leg so she can sit. She sits down and puts my leg on her lap.

"How are your ribs?" She asked

"They hurt a bit. Nothing too bad." I said.

"Lemme see the bruise." She asked. I lifted my shirt. She fingered the bruise.

"It's still pretty big. Wanna ice it?" She asked.

"No I'm fine. It doesn't hurt that much. It hurts when you touch it." I said pulling down my shirt.

"Okay. Well time for breakfast." She said.
Ugh. Food.

"Okay. Can I just have a granola bar? I'm not that hungry." I said. Demi looked at me with a worried expression.

"Okay." She said getting up and walking into the kitchen. I followed her and she gave me the granola bar.

"Marissa! What do you want for breakfast?" Demi yelled.

"PANCAKES!!" She yelled running into the kitchen

"Okay. Me too." Demi said grabbing the pancake mix.

I finished half of the granola bar and wet to throw it out.

"No you're finishing that." Marissa said handing me the half of the granola bar.

I took a bite and all of a sudden all the voices came rushing into my head. No. Go away. This was supposed to be fun and I need to enjoy it. I put the rest of the granola bar into my sweatpants pocket and took the wrapper and threw it away.

"Done." I said walking into the bathroom and throwing away the granola bar. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Demi and Marissa staring at me.

"Don't worry. Just looked at my hair. Didn't purge." I said sitting next to Demi. She took my hair and started French braiding it. She then took a hair tie and clasped it together.

"Thanks." I said smiling

"No problem babygirl." She said kissing my forehead.

Demi and Marissa finished their pancakes and put the dishes away.

"So where are we going tonight?" I asked

"No where. We are gonna be driving the whole time. So it's us for the whole day." Demi said

"Okay. So wanna play like board games and watch movies and eat junk food and cuddle?" Marissa asked.

"Whatever you want Marissa. You're the guest." Demi said

"Let's play truth or dare!" Marissa said

"Okay." I said

"Okay. Lets start. Demi truth or dare?" Marissa asked

"Dare!" Demi said

"I dare you to lick Sophie's cheek." Marissa said

Wait. What?

"Eew no." I said.

All of a sudden I felt Demi's tongue on my cheek.

"EWW YOU GUYS ARE DISGUSTING." I said wiping her spit off my cheek.

"Yuck." I said

"You don't taste bad babe." Demi said

"Okay. That's what she said." I laughed

"You perv." Demi laughed

"Sophie truth or dare?" Demi asked me

"Truth." I said

"When was your first kiss?" Demi

"Third grade. This kid named Chris had a huge crush on me and he pulled me over and kissed me on the lips." I laughed

"Really? Ugh if this was now I would've killed that asshole for you." Marissa said

"I cried because I said my first kiss was stolen." I said

"Whatevs Marissa truth or dare?" I asked

"Dare?" She said

"I dare you to put peanut butter all over your face. And not wash it off until we end the game." I said.

"Ugh fine." She said getting up and getting the peanut butter jar.

"I hope you guys don't love peanut butter." She said sticking her fingers in the jar and spreading it all over face. I couldn't help but crack up. Marissa glared at me, then smirked and jabbed my nose with peanut butter.

"Eww." I said wiping it off and putting it on Demi. She turned towards me and all of a sudden she was sitting on top of me. Carefully. Away from my legs and ribs.

"Marissa wanna help?" Demi smirked and grabbed the peanut butter out if her hand.

"Demi. You better not." I said. Ugh stupid broken bones.

"I'm sorry what did you say? Don't you mean butter?" She asked dipping a finger in the jar.

"Please?" I asked giving her my puppy dog face. She answered by rubbing peanut butter over my nose.

"Marissa wanna help me?" She asked aiming the jar towards Marissa. She dipped her finger in the jar and rubbed it on my forehead.

"I swear if I didn't have fucking broken bones you guys would be in a lot if shit." I said. Demi just flipped her hair off her shoulder and rubbed peanut butter on my cheeks. This actually feels disgusting.

Marissa giggles and puts it all over my chin. Demi rubbed it on my nose and then got off of me.

"You guys suck." I said getting up and hopping to the bathroom on my good leg. I washed my face and dried it.

"Love you too." They said.

I walked, more like hopped, into the living room where they were and sat down.

"I'm never eating peanut butter again." I said laughing.

"Same here." Demi and Marissa said simultaneously. They looked at each other and giggled.

"Lunch Time." Demi sang running into the kitchen. She made Mac n cheese and gave us each bowls. Of course I got the most.

I finished the bowl and put it in the sink.

"I honestly hate not being able to walk. Like I can't do anything." I said sighing.

"Welll I love it cause I can baby you." Demi said smiling

"Whateverrr." I said taking my crutches and walking away.

Before I knew it it was dinner. We had spaghetti.

"Moooovieeeeee timeeee." Marissa said running into the room and jumping next to me on the couch. I bit my lip to try and stop my screams of pain.

"Let's watch a scary movie." Marissa said

"Mar, last time we watched a scary movie you peed yourself." Demi said. I giggled.

"Hey. That was a secret!" Marissa said

"Not anymore." I said smiling.

"Wanna watch House at the End of the Street?" Demi asked

"Sure." We answered.

Demi put the movie in and both girls wrapped their arms around me. I lied my head on Demi's chest and my legs on Marissa's lap. Demi started rubbing my ribs and the huge ass bruise that covered them. I sighed in content and wrapped my arms around Demi's waist.

In the middle of the movie I looked over at Marissa and giggled. She was wrapped around a pillow and her face was hidden. She doesn't take scary movies well. Me either but I have Demi here and her smell calms me down. It's a mix of vanilla and heaven. If that makes sense. I eventually fell asleep.

Demi's POV.

The movie ended and I looked over at Marissa.

"Hey Mar wanna grab her crutches for me? I'm gonna carry her to our room." I asked lifting up extremely light Sophie. It actually breaks my heart. I place her in the middle of the bed and join Marissa in the living room. I walked and sat next to her on the couch. I wrapped my arms around her.

"I missed you 'Rissa." I said

"Missed you too Dems." She said.

"Wanna talk or sleep?" I ask.

"Sleep. I'm exhausted." She said

"Same." I said. We got up and went into the bed room. I lied down and pulled Sophie in my arms. I can't help that I'm a cuddler.

I felt my eyelids get heavy.

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