Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter 38

Sophie's POV

So yesterday was the last day of the DEMI tour and we're going home today. It's bittersweet going home because I know Demi loves performing and meeting fans and stuff. But I'm just glad to go home. Demi still hasn't found out I cut yesterday and I'm praying she never finds out.

"Sophie! We're about 20 minutes away! Get packing!" Demi yelled. I went into the bedroom and sat on the ground. I can actually walk without crutches and all my ribs are healed so I'm better.

I took out my suitcase and started stuffing things in it. Not caring if they're folded or not. I finished packing and zipped up my suitcase. I dragged it into the front of the bus where the door was. Marissa did the same and so did Demi.

Demi's POV

I was kinda upset that tour was over. But also happy because I get to spend time with Sophie. Just the two of us. I was with her on tour, but the whole time I had management on my ass or Max. And now it's just me and my baby girl.

"Come on guys! We're home!" I said. Sophie literally grabbed her suitcase and dashed into the house. I laughed because she had that giant boot on her foot but we're getting that removed tomorrow.

"Bye guys! I'm going home now. I'll be over sometime during this week. Love you!" Marissa said

"Love you too Mar! Bye." I said as Marissa drove off.

I thanked the bus driver and gave him a $300 tip for driving us and walked into the house.

It smells like home.

I wheeled my suitcase into the laundry room and dumped all my clothes into the washing machine.

"Sophie! do you want breakfast?" I asked.

She ran down the stairs.

"Sure." She said.

"Oh and be careful. Your foot isn't 100% better yet and you're running. But we're getting the boot off tomorrow. They're gonna give you like a little wrap to wrap your foot in if it ever hurts. And we're gonna keep your crutches just in case." I told her.

"Okay." She said skipping out of the room. I walked up to the kitchen and made myself and Sophie some bacon and eggs.

"Breakfast!" I said.

"Okay! Coming." She said walking down the stairs.

"So did you like the tour?" I asked her, eating my eggs. Yes. I can actually cook.

"It was amazing. Until I got stupid broken bones from a stupid bitch." She said.

"It's okay. You're better now so it's fine." I said

"Wanna do something today?" I asked

"Lets go to a fair!" She said.

"Okay. But no Ferris wheels today. We almost died on one last time." I said laughing. It was true though. We literally almost died on a Ferris Wheel.

"Okay. I'll keep that in mind. " She said laughing. I came over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you. Remember that." I said

"Love you too Dems." She said

Sophie's POV

"What should I wear?" I asked myself.

"Dems! Help! I don't know what to wear!" I yelled from my closet. She walked in and picked out white shorts from Hollister and an aqua tank top.

"Wear it with your aqua vans." She said handing me the clothes and walking out of the closet. I got dressed and put one van on and walked out of my closet. I left my hair in its natural curls and went into the living room where Demi was and we walked to the car.

"Listen. I'm not going in a disguise. So if ANYONE says something to you. Tell me. And they're just jealous that you have me wrapped around your little finger." Demi said it a stern motherly tone.

"Okay." I said looking out the window. I was kinda nervous. What if we get trampled. Sophie shut up. Okay I'm done.

We got out of the car and walked into the fair. I immediately ran to the roller coaster.

"Demidemidemidemi." I said dragging her with me.

"Yeah. No. No way in hell am I going on that." she said.

"You want me to go alone?" I said giving her my puppy dog eyes.

"I'm not going on that." She said looking at it. It wasn't even that bad. It was actually scary.

"Pleeasseeee." I asked begging her.

"Ugh. Only because you're too cute." She said.

"Yay!" I said dragging her onto the roller coaster

We got on and Demi made sure to strap me until I could barely breathe.

"It's a roller coaster. Not a death ride Dems." I laughed.

"Better to be safe then sorry." she said as the ride started. She grasped onto my hand for dear life. It had like 5 loops on it and a lot of drops. I looked over at Demi and she looked terrified. I was scared too but a good kind of scared. When it ended Demi was the first to hop off and drag me off the ride.

"Oh my fucking god. That was awful. Never ever ever again." She said walking towards the candy apple stand.

"Want one?" She asked

"Nope." I said. She gave me a look and ordered herself one.

We sat down when a group of girls my age walked up to us.

"Oh my god you're Demi Lovato." They said completely ignoring me.

"Yeah." Demi said.

"Can we have an autograph and a picture please?" They asked her

"Um sure." She said eyeing me. She gave them an autograph and picture and they were about to walk away when one walked up to me.

"Who knew Demi Lovato would adopt such an ugly and fat person?" One of then said laughing and obnoxiously chewing the gum in their mouth. They laughed and walked away. Demi was about to get up.

"Dem chill its fine." I said fighting the tears brimming my eyes.

"No it's not. They just fucking insulted you. I need to say something." She said getting up. I grabbed her arm and pulled her down into her seat.

"Dem. Seriously. It's fine. Let it go. I'll get over it." I said

"At least let me tweet something." She said whipping her phone out.

"Fine." I said watching her furiously type on her phone. She put her phone away. And mine buzzed. I looked at it and saw she tweeted. I'm not gonna read it now.

"Lets not let it ruin our day Dem." I said getting up and reaching my hand out.

"Okay. But when we get home we're talking. You're not cutting because of that bitch." She said throwing out half of the apple. We walked to the games and we played the game where you put the quarters on a board and the person spins a spinner and you win stuff.

Demi won.

"YES. CAN I HAVE CANDY." She asked the girl. The girl showed her huge bags of candy. Demi's eyes lit up.

"Can I have the sour patch kids please?" She asked.

"Sure." The girl said handing her the giant bag of candy. In all honesty she doesn't need it. She already breathes in energy. Oh dear lord. She's not gonna sleep tonight.

"Lets go home and eat this all." She said dragging me out of the fair. Ugh dammit paps. Demi buried my face in her jean jacket and kept walking.

We got into the car and she immediately drove away. We got home and ran into the house. Demi was clutching the bag if candy and she ripped it open when we sat on the floor in the living room. She immediately dived in.

"So talk." She said

"It didn't bother me." I said

"Lies." She said putting another candy in her mouth. I grabbed some and ate it

"I'm telling the truth." I said chewing the candy.

"Fine. Time for our annual cuts check then." She said. Thank GOD I did it on my hips.

"Ok." I said going upstairs and changing into a tank top and soffes. I walked downstairs.

"Okay none on thighs or wrists. Show me your stomach and hipbones." She said. Oh shit. I pulled up the tank top and showed her my stomach.

"Hips." she said.

"There are none there." I said

"Either you show me or I'm forcing you to." I took off towards the bathroom but Demi caught me and carried me to the couch. No no no. I tried wriggling out of her grasp but she was stronger then I was. She put me down on the couch and pulled up my shirt and my pants down a little. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see we reaction.

"Why? when?" She asked

"It was two days ago." I said

"Why didn't you talk to me? You were a few weeks clean." She said.

"I-I tried! My demons took over me! The second I did it I regretted it. I wish I could take it back. I didn't want to but my demons were tormenting me! I just needed them to shut up." I said trying hold myself together.

"If you EVER need to cut. Come to me. Baby I wanna help you. But you need to talk to me for help." She said hugging me.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I really am." I said. "I should've never put up a fight."

"No need to apologize baby." She said.

"Lets eat candy and play games!" she said.

"Lets just eat candy and talk." I said. The whole night we stayed up talking and eating candy.

A/N hey guys :) sorry for the wait. School was...eww. Okay. And I seriously need to hear some ideas for the sequel pleaseeee. I have like two ideas but I'm not sure. Please help. Byeeee :)

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