Important please read.

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So this morning I found out that someone I knew took their own life. So I just want you all to know that suicide isn't the answer. It will never be the answer. You may feel so bad about yourself or your life might not be that good right now...but it will get better. Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Think of your family. Your little sister waking up and finding out you aren't with her anymore. Her life will never be the same. Think of your parents. You are their life. Now their lives are over because you took your life. Imagine your friends. Your best friend will think it's her fault because she could've stopped it. If you ever feel like that please talk to someone. Talk to me. Talk to anyone. Don't take your life. You are worth so much more than that. You all deserve a happy life. I just want you guys to know suicide is NEVER EVER the answer. Please please please talk to someone if you ever feel like that. I love you all. I hope no one ever has to feel the way I do right now. Please think before you act. Please. I love you.

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