Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty one

Sophie's POV

I woke up and looked at the clock and groaned. It was 3am. I'm not gonna be able to fall asleep again. I grabbed my phone and started reading tweets. There was a lot of hate. I need to stop reading into hate. I tweeted

@sophielovato: Can't sleep. It's three in the morning and Demi is still sleeping. Gah. What. Do. I. Do!? #help

Within seconds there were replies and retweets. A lot of people were telling me I should just slit my wrists. I'm thirteen for fucks sake. It's hard to not get upset over the hate. But I knew how to brush it off. I looked at the time again and it was only 3:15. 15 minutes passed so slowly. I honesty don't know what to do. I decided I was gonna clean for Demi since the house wasn't that clean....more like a pigsty. I tip toed into the kitchen and did all the dishes as silently as I could. I washed all the counters with windex and mopped the floor.

I then walked into the living room and dusted the fireplace and the TV. I washed the windows and picture frames and picked up all if mine and Demi's discarded shoes. I threw out all of the garbage and took out the trash. I came back in and went into the bathroom.

I sprayed the counter with Windex and wipes it down. I cleaned the mirror and put our toothbrushes and tooth paste in the holders. I threw out all of the empty shampoo an conditioner bottles.

I walked into our bedroom quietly. I walked into our messy walk in closet and started putting shoes away. I put them in pairs and put them each in individual cubicles. I put all the clothes on the ground into the hamper and hung up all the discarded clothes.

I grabbed the hamper and quietly exited the closet and walked into our laundry room. I put the clothes in the washing machine and started it. I put the hamper down and walked out. I looked at my phone and saw it was 5:35. I still have so much time to kill.

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Oliver came up to me and jumped onto it next to me. This dog is my best friend when I can't sleep. I rubbed his head and put on the ID channel. Demi really got me hooked on this show. It's so good. About an hour passed and I went into the laundry room and took the clothes from the washer to the drier. I went back into mine and Demi's room and sat on the bed. I went onto my phone and saw Marissa texted me.

M-Hey! I see you can't sleep. Me either.

S-Yeah. I literally just cleaned the Demi looks like she's dead. She's outcold. I'm resisting the urge to wake her up 😝

M-Haha! You shouldn't unless you want to be murdered.

S- trust me I know. Biggest mistake of my life was waking Demi up.

M- Well I have to go now. I'm going out for the day. Bye babe love you 😘

S- Bye Mar love you too.

So it's like 6 now and I'm still up. I ran downstairs and took the laundry out of the dryer and brought it upstairs. I folded it all and put it away. I ran in the bathroom and jumped into the shower. I threw on a tank top and Soffe shorts and blew dried my hair. I straightened it and went into mine and Demi's room. Demi was just waking up and I was beyond exhausted. I ran up to her.

"Morning Dem." I said hugging her. She hugged me back

"Morning babygirl. How long have you been up?" She said

"Uhm since three." I said biting my lip.

"What?! How are you standing? To back to sleep baby." She said lifting me up.

"No no. I'm fine. I actually did things. It's a surprise though." I said smiling shyly. Demi's eyes got big.

"What did you do?" She asked grabbing my wrists and inspecting them.

"Not that. Come downstairs with me." I said dragging her out of bed. We walked down the stairs and Demi gasped.

"Baby you cleaned the whole house!" She said hugging me.

"Yep I had like five hours to kill. And I had nothing to do and I wasn't gonna wake you up." I said.

"Aw you should've just woken me up! Anyway let's eat breakfast." She said. Ugh. Food.

"Okay." I said. She started making waffles and bacon.

"Can today be a lazy day? I'm so exhausted I can barely stand." I asked giving her my puppy dog eyes.

"Aw you're so cute! And yes we can. I kinda just wanna cuddle all day and watch movies." She said. Yess. I can sleep.

"Wanna watch Mama?" I ask.

"What's with you and horror movies?" She asked laughing.

"I don't know. I just love them." I ask shrugging my shoulders. We rent Mama and get a blanket and put the movie on. Demi got up and made tea and popcorn. She gave me a cup and sat down. I sipped it and the movie started. I put my cup down and snuggled into Demi. She wrapped her arms around me and we continue watching the movie. It was pretty good. A scary part came on and I buried my face into the blanket. I felt Demi's arms around me and I instantly relax. Her arms are so relaxing to me.

The movie ended around 3 so we rented Ted. There were a lot of really bad sex parts in it so every time something bad would happen Demi would dive towards me and cover my eyes. I found it amusing. Ted was hilarious. But very inappropriate for me but it was good.

We then put on the ID channel and watched for the rest of the night. This was a lazy day but it was fun.

A/N HEY GUYS. 1.4K READS?! WHAT IS THIS?? THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT AND ACTUALLY STICKING TO THIS STORY. I LOVE YOU ALL AND IF YOU EVER NEED TO TALK TO ANYONE I'M ALWAYS HERE :). Next update will either be tonight or tomorrow. I'm gonna try to update everyday guys. Love you byeeee. 😜😝😛

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