Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Demi's POV

It was about 5 in the morning when I woke up. Sophie was still wrapped in my arms, so I really couldn't do anything. I just stared at her. Stared at my beautiful child who meant everything to me. I'd honestly take a bullet for her. Sophie murmured a bit in her sleep before wrapping herself more in my arms. I lightly picked up her arm. I need to see if she has self harmed. I turned her wrist towards me and pushed her sleeve up. I saw many old ones. But one caught my eye. It was as if it just stopped bleeding. I looked at her cardigan and saw a faint blood stain. Did she do this last night? She must have found my spare shaving razor. I took her wrist and brought it to my mouth.

Sophie's POV

I was up the whole time when Demi was checking my wrist. I feel so ashamed because I cut last night. I have so much pressures on me. And the fact that Jon texted me last night triggered something inside of me, something telling me to cut. And honestly I felt like I betrayed Demi. I felt awful. A few tears slipped out of my eyes but I rolled over so Demi couldn't see. I discreetly looked at the time. It was 5:30. What? Why was Demi up this early? I waited for her to fall asleep and I got up and went into the bathroom. I just stared at myself in the mirror.

"Why can't I be perfect?" I asked myself. Then I saw Demi's reflection in the mirror. I looked down and picked at my nails.

"No one is perfect. Some may seem perfect, but no one is perfect." She said. I felt my eyes water up but I held the tears back. I tried to walk out of the bathroom, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me into her and just hugged me.

"Why did you cut? Why didn't you talk to me?" She asked sadness and disappointment clear in her voice. I made Demi disappointed. I'm such a failure.

"Because I was so stressed out and" I whispered the next part "Jon texted me." I said. She gasped

"What? Didn't we tell him to leave you alone? Give me your phone." She said. I walked into the bedroom and gave her my phone. She unlocked t and went to my messages app.

"We need to do something." She said.

"No just leave it, I'm fine." I said.

Demi's POV

"Fine?! You're not fine." I said snapping. She flinched back. Oh no.

"I'm sorry." She said flinching back thinking I'm gonna hit her.

"Babe come here." I said opening my arms. She cautiously walked into my arms and I wrapped my arms around her.

"We are gonna report him to the police okay?" I asked rubbing her head.

TIME JUMP (skipping police part)

Sophie's POV

So they put a restraining order against Jon and now he can't call, text, talk, or be anywhere near me. I'm actually quite happy. I won't be harassed anymore. But Demi goes back to work in three weeks. Which means a world tour. And what if she doesn't want me to come? I don't know what I'm gonna do. But I'm not gonna worry now. I will worry when it's time.

"Hey Soph, so today there's an amusement park open across the street, wanna go?" I heard Demi say from the kitchen.

"Sure!" I said

"Well it opens in an hour so lets get ready!" She said running in the room.

"Is it warm out?" I asked. It was the middle of May so i don't know. It could be cold or warm.

"Yeah shorts and sweatshirt weather." She said. I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I straightened if put on a pair of jean shorts from TopShop and a flowwy tank top. I put on my jean jacket and vans. Demi walked out with a white dress with a jean vest on with cowboy boots on.(the same thing she wore to gma).

"You look cute." She told me. I look cute? She looks like a million bucks. I look like a potato

"Thanks but not compared to you." I said truthfully

"Stop bringing yourself down. You look amazing." She said.

"Now lets go it's opening!" She said dragging me out the door.

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