Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Sophie's POV

Well Demi took by blades. And I'm so stressed right now. I replaced cutting with snapping my wrist with a rubber band. It isn't the same. I was crying and all I needed was a hug. Demi was in the shower and I was reading all my hate on Twitter. Yeah I shouldn't be doing this but I couldn't help myself. I began snapping my wrist very violently and cried harder. I threw my phone across the bed and went under the covers. I just lied there silently sobbing when Demi walked out of the bathroom. I quickly wiped my face and turned towards her.

"Have you been crying?" She asked walking up to me

"N-no." I said as my voice cracked. Why must I be an emotional wreck?

"Hate again?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"I need to do something about this." She muttered to herself

"No Dem don't. They'll just hate me more. I'm fine. Well I'll be fine. I promise." I said getting out of bed to fix the makeup that was smothered all over my face.

"Why didn't you tell me I looked like a freaking raccoon?!" I yelled laughing.

"Because you're my beautiful raccoon babe." She said I just laughed. Beautiful what's that? Not me!

"Haha you're funny. What is beautiful anyway? You? Yes hell yes. Me? Ha no I'm a potato." I said. She walked into the bathroom

"If you're a potato then you're the most beautiful potato there is. And you aren't a damn potato. You're BEAUTIFUL." Demi says emphasizing on beautiful. I just took a make up removing pad and started removing my mascara and eye liner. Then went to put on more but Demi got there before me.

"No no. No no. Give me my make up." I said trying to get it back.

"Then say 'I'm beautiful'." She said

"I'm beautiful." She gave me my make up "NOT" I said and started putting on my mascara and eye liner. There we go. I look like a presentable potato now. Hah. Potato. I'm so funny.

"Can we go out somewhere? I'm hyper." I asked jumping up and down.

"Lets go to the beach!" Demi said.

"But Dem it's the middle of May, it isn't even warm yet." I said

"So? We can bring blankets and dress warm." She said. I guess she's right. I grabbed some blankets and threw on sweats and a sweatshirt and ran downstairs. I put my Vans on and my hair in a side braid.

"Lets go!" I screamed running out the door. I'm still thirteen so I am a little kid at heart. The beach was down the road from Demi's house so I started running there.

"Wait Soph!" Demi laughed.

Demi's POV

I love seeing Sophie happy. I love it so much. Don't get me wrong, I love her when she is broken and crying, but happy Sophie means happy Demi. I caught up to Sophie and grabbed her hand. We walked to the beach together.

Sophie's POV

We got to the beach and I faceplanted into the sand. I missed the beach.

"Dem help me up?" I asked holding out a hand. She gave me her hand and I pulled her down with me. She screamed a little. Oh.My.God my inner fangirl is spazzing out right now. Why must Demi be so perfect?!

"Sophie?" Demi laughed. Oh.My.God.That.Laugh.

"Huh? Oh sorry I was just thinking about how freaking perfect my mom is." I said

"Your mom? You called me you're mom!" Demi wrapped her arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah, you are my mom after all. And I love you. And I'm grateful that you're helping me." I said hugging her.

Demi's POV

I'm more then happy right now. I'm ecstatic. SHE CALLED ME MOM. I got up and did a victory dance sat down. Sophie looked at me like some crazy woman.

"I love youuuuu." I said hugging her once again. What? I'm a hugger! I walked up to the water with Sophie's hand in mine. I went to feel how freezing it was. Holy shit. It's like a freaking ice cube. I have an idea. I splashed Sophie right in the face.

"Holy shit. You did not just do that." She said. I laughed and then she splashed me. I grabbed her in my arms and fell back. She screamed at how cold it was. Holy motherfucking shit. It's like -4 degrees in here. She just laughed and swam around.

"Alright lets get out before you get sick babe." I said dragging her towards our scattered blankets. I wrapped her shivering body with it and then wrapped myself in one.

"Lets go home and take warm baths." I said.

"Carry meeeee." She said. I picked her up bridal style and started walking home. She wrapped herself into me, shivering. We got home and I started the bath for her. She locked herself in the bathroom and I went to my bathroom in my room and started a shower for me. I quickly jumped in washed my hair and jumped out. I put on pajamas and lied out Sophie's pajamas. She walked into the bedroom wrapped in a towel. I handed her her clothes and walked out to make hot chocolate. I put the kettle on and got two mugs ready. The kettle started squeaking so I poured the water into the cups and poured the chocolate mix. I stirred them and put them on the table.

"I smell hot chocolate!" Sophie squealed running down the stairs. Sneezing in the process. Hopefully she isn't getting sick.

Sophie's POV

I feel like shit. But I'm not gonna tell Demi. She already has so much on her plate because of me. I ran down to the kitchen and sat down next to Demi and grabbed my hot chocolate.

"Thank youuuuuu!" I said sneezing. Crap. Not in front of Demi.

"How're you feelin' " she asked I'm gonna lie.

"Fine." I said lying. It wasn't obvious though. I actually feel like a dying whale. I have a headache that feels like someone is drilling in my brain. And I'm sweating even though I'm freezing.

"You sure?" She asked putting a hand on my forehead. I flinched back not wanting her to know I was sick.

"Let me feel you're head babe." She said

"No I'm fine." I said. She held my head and felt my forehead

"Babe you're burning up. You don't have to hide the fact that you're sick." She said getting out her thermometer.

"I know I just feel bad for putting you through so much." I said

"I'm not overwhelmed babe. I just want the best for you." She said putting the thermometer in my mouth. There goes hiding my sickness. She took it out.

"102.3! Babe lie down." She said carrying me to the bed. She got in bed with me.

"No I don't wanna get you sick." I said sitting up even though my head protested like a motherfucking drill. She dragged me back down, carefully trying not to hurt me.

"I don't care if I get sick." She said snuggling up to me. I fell asleep rather quickly. Maybe I'll feel better in the morning

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