Chapter Sixteen

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A/N sorry for the wait haha. I was with family with no wifi. Haha okay here it is :)

Sophie's POV

We got to the amusement park and I saw the rollercoaster immediately wanted to go on.

"Dem can we go on the rollercoaster?" I asked. She looked at me.

"If that's what you want then yes." She said. I squealed excitedly and dragged her over to the rollercoaster. We showed the man our wrist bands and got on. I, of course chose the front seat. When the ride started Demi grabbed my hand. I have to admit I was a little tiny bit scared. I saw the first drop and closed my eyes. Then I saw the loop. This was awesome! The ride ended and we got off.

"You hungry?" Demi asked. Ugh. I was in no mood to eat.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'. She looked at me with concerned eyes.

"You sure?" She asked. No I'm not sure. My stomach could growl any minute. Ugh.

"Yep." I said walking towards her.

"Well I'm starving so I'm gonna go buy funnel cake!" She said excitedly. She dragged me over to the cart.

"One funnel cake and water bottle please." She said. Are you wondering how we aren't getting mauled by fans? Well she's dressed as a man. Yes. Demi is dressed as a man and has been talking in a man voice the whole night. I find it amusing. The man handed her her funnel cake and we went and sat down on a park bench and she started eating her funnel cake.

"Are you sure you don't want a piece?" She asked waving the fried food in my face. Ok I'm dying to have a piece but it's fried in fats oils and calories.

"N-no thank you." Shit. I stuttered. Damn it. I hate myself right now.

"You sure?" She asked handing me a piece of funnel cake. 'Don't eat it. You're so fat anyway.' The voices inside my head said.

"I'm fine." I said handing her the piece. She sympathetically looked at me and put the funnel cake down.

"Lets go on the Ferris wheel." She said.

"Okay!" I said. We both got up and went to the Ferris wheel. I sat across from Demi and the ride started. I had to say, the scene before me was so surreal. It was about 6 pm and it was starting to get dark. Around us was a bunch of buildings and they were all light up. And to the right of us was the beach. The ocean had this flow and the reflection of the moon was shining bright across it. It was beautiful.

"Wow." I said

"I know. Its beautiful." She said smiling at me. I smiled back and looked out to the sky. I'm so blessed. I have Demi Lovato by my side and all I ever do is cry. I'm so selfish.

"Thank you for all you've done for me Dem. I mean it. You mean the world to me." I said sitting up and sitting next to her and hugging her.

"It's honestly no big deal babe. I do it all out of love." She said rubbing my hair. I smiled and put my head on her shoulder and just took in everything. I still can't believe Demi freaking Lovato is my freaking mother. Oh. My. God. I still fangirl over the fact that she loves me. DEMI LOVATO LOVES ME.

"Yes I do."

Oh shit did I say that out loud?

"Yes." She laughed. I need to learn how to speak in my head. I need to calm down. Alright. I'm better. I let out a deep breath.

"What you thinking about in that little mind of yours?" She asked.

"Just how lucky I am" I said.

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