Chapter Thirty

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Chapter 30

Sophie's POV

"Damn it! She didn't answer." Demi yelled into her iPhone. Score. I hate therapists. I have nothing wrong with me. I can stop this any time.

"Since she's not picking up I'm forcing you to talk to me. And you aren't leaving until you tell me everything that's wrong." She told me.

"I have nothing wrong. I can stop this any time." I said.

"No you're talking to me. And I know I sound like a complete bitch. But I just want what's best for you." Demi said

Demi's POV

Sophie is telling me what's wrong. She can fight all she wants. She is telling me. I pick her up and drag her into the room then lock the door. Good thing I don't have concert for the next two days. I sit Sophie down on the bed and sit across from her. I remembered I have a scale in the bathroom. I'll use that later. Sophie just sat there staring at me.

"Well to start this off I need you to show me your wrists." I said grabbing her arms and pushing her jumper up. I remembered she had them on her thighs. I walked to her suitcase and pulled out soffes and a sports bra.

"Change and come back in this." I said.

"Please no." She said.

"Go." I said. I sound like a complete bitch but Sophie needs help and that's what I'm gonna give her. She sighed in defeat and grabbed the clothes and walked into the bathroom.

I put my head in my hands and put my elbows on my knees. A person shouldn't be this stressed out.

I took a deep breathe as Sophie walked out of the bathroom. She timidly walked by the bed and sat down. I turned towards her and by breathe hitched in my throat. Ribs shouldn't stick out like that. Thighs shouldn't be that much apart. Sobs ripped through my body but I held them in. I looked at her hips and saw cuts scattered all across them. I looked down at thighs and saw cuts painted on her skin. I looked up at her face and saw she was holding in sobs. I pulled her into a hug and she broke down and started sobbing fiercely. I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.

"Come here." I said grabbing her hand and bringing her to the scale. She realized what I was doing and tried to break free of my grip but I only held her hand harder. I pulled the scale out and put Sophie on it despite her protests.

Sophie's POV

54 pounds. Not skinny enough. I need to work harder.

Demi's POV

Oh my god. She's 54 pounds. And she's 5'5. That's so unhealthy. I can cry. I calm myself down and walk out of the bathroom with Sophie.

"Well first you're so underweight. Second you are covered in so many cuts. And third you're spilling yourself out to me. You're telling everything to me. And you can't say anything to change it."

Sophie's POV

I guess I have nothing to hold myself back anymore.

"I'm so tired of not feeling good enough. I constantly get compared to you! You're perfect and-and I'm imperfect. You're drop dead gorgeous and I'm freaking ugly. I look in the mirror and all I see is ugliness. I'm never gonna be good enough for you or anyone. You deserve so much better. I'm just a burden to you. You could be living your dream without me. I'm holding you back from so many things. You haven't gone out since you adopted me and you deserve to. I'm just a major burden on you. Demi. You deserve so much better. You deserve someone unbroken and gorgeous. Not me. I'm nowhere near unbroken and I don't even have a little bit of beauty. So to cope I cut. And I'm so fat that I don't eat and throw up whatever I do." I sobbed. Demi pulled me into her.

"You listen to me babygirl. You're perfect. You're gorgeous. And you aren't ugly. You're so pretty. And you're fucking skinny. You're 54 pounds. That's not normal. And I'm almost eight years older than you. Stop comparing yourself to me. Remember I went through what you're going through right now." She said kissing my forehead. I snuggled into her and my eyelids became heavy. I fell asleep on Demi.

Demi's POV

I'm so grateful She poured her heart out to me. I lifted Sophie up and lied her in bed and I wrapped my arms around her and covered us in covers. I soon drifted off into sleep.

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