Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Sophie's POV

We are on our way to meet Demi's parents. Nervous is a consideration. More like scared shitless. What if they don't like me? What if Demi gets in a fight because of me? Demi took hold of my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"No need to be worried. They're gonna love you like I do. They're excited to meet you anyway Soph." She said rubbing circles on the top of my hand. I took a deep breath and looked out the window. I'm terrified right now but Demi doesn't need to know that. We pull up to this house. More like palace. And Demi gets out if the car as do I. We walk into the house and Demi takes me upstairs.

"Mom? Maddie? Dallas? Eddie? I want you guys to meet someone very important." She says as her mom walks into the room.

"Hi I'm Sophie." I said holding out my hand to shake hers but she just pulls me in for a hug.

"Nice to meet you sweetie. I'm Dianna." She says releasing me from the hug.

"I'm Maddie and I'm guessing you're Sophie?" Maddie asks. I nod

"Yay I finally have someone my age to hang out with!" She says excitedly pulling me in for a hug. No wonder Demi's a hugger.

"And I'm Dallas, Demi's older AND taller sister." She says. I giggled and looked over at Demi. She was laughing and giving Dallas the death glare.

"Hey! Older and taller doesn't mean wiser." Demi says quirking an eyebrow.

"Ladies no fighting." Eddie says walking down the stairs.

"And you must be Sophie!" He says. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug.

"Welcome to the family!" He says. A giant weight was just lifted off my shoulder. They like me. Demi's family likes me. I couldn't help but smile and run up to Demi and hug her.

"See I told you you didn't have to be nervous! Sophie was practically shaking in the car. " Demi says laughing. I even laughed a little. It was true though.

"Are you hungry? We have lunch made for you guys!" Dianna said. Ugh. I'll only eat because Demi's family was nice enough to make it. I walked into the kitchen, following Demi and sat down next to her. They made us ham and cheese sandwiches on wheat bread. 'Just get through it' I told myself. I took a bite out of the sandwich and felt like I was going to puke. I just need to eat this one sandwich without purging then I won't eat for another two weeks. I was mentally fighting with myself and I turned to Demi and mouthed 'Help'. She knew what I was going through.

"Just finish it. You'll feel better. I promise." She whispered rubbing my back. At least it was just us two in the kitchen instead of her whole family. I finished the ham sandwich practically torturing myself and got up and put the dish in the dishwasher.

"I'm so proud of you." Demi said hugging me. I was surprised I finished it too. It took a lot of forcing myself though.

"Demi, Sophie lets go watch a moooooovieee!" Maddie said practically dragging us into the living room. She put in Warm Bodies snuggled up to Demi. I could tell they really missed each other. I was at the end of the couch alone. I didn't want to bother their sisterly bonding. Demi pulled my arm and lied my head down on her shoulder. She played with my hair.

We were in the middle of the movie and everyone was asleep except me and Demi. I looked over at her and just smiled and cuddled into her.

"Wanna go home?" She asked.

"Mhmm." I said. I was exhausted. We got up and Demi kissed Maddie's forehead and told her mom we were leaving. She hugged us both.

"Bye Soph welcome to the Family!" She said. I was more then happy that they accepted me. I jumped onto Demi and just hugged her

"They like me! They really really like me!" I said and she laughed

"No duh! You're very like able babe haha!" She said. We walked out of the house and drove home. We walked into the house and I face planted into my bed. Home at last. Best. Day. Ever.

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