Chaper Eight

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A/N I did three chapters in one day. Haha it's like 11pm and I just finished this. I have no life. Tell me what you guys think about it :). Tell me if I should make changes or any requests on anything that might happen. Thanks guys for your support. :)

Chapter Eight

Sophie POV

We went to IHOP for breakfast. I would usually be terrified to eat it but I think I've put Demi through a lot so I'll just get a small fruit salad and throw it up later when she's not around. We walked in and the waiter, who was VERY good looking if I say so myself, escorted us to our secret table since Demi Lovato was here.

"Welcome to IHOP what would you like to drink?" The waitress asked.

"Coffee please." Demi said and the waitress turned to me.

"I'll just have a water please." I said. Demi eyed me and kick me lightly. Telling me I had to eat. The waitress came back and gave us our beverages. I took a sip out of mine.

"Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress asked with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Yup." Demi said popping the 'p' "I will have the buttermilk pancakes." She said then looked at me.

"Can I just have the fruit salad thank you. Bye." I said quickly so she could leave before Demi could protest.

"A fruit salad?" She asked.

"Hey it's food." I said

"When was the last time you ate?" She asked.

"Um yesterday? I had that granola bar. Rememberrrr?" I asked

"Seriously. Like last full meal." Ugh

"Like a week ago." I said covering my mouth so she couldn't understand it. But she did. Just my luck.

"A week?!!" She yelled.

"Shh. It's not a big deal. I didn't pass out." I said

"YES YOU DID when I saved you. You passed out in my arms." She said. Ugh so much for trying to act dumb. The food came out and I got my fruit salad and she got her pancakes. She then handed me a plate with one pancake on it.

"Eat." She said not caring for my answer. I internally groaned and battled with myself before picking up my fork and shoving a piece of pancake in my mouth. It was so good. I finished half of it then put it aside and finished my tiny fruit salad. I needed to throw this up.

"I need to use the restroom." I told Demi and she shook her head.

"Oh no you don't. Not this time. Honey that's gonna digest and I'll be here to help." She said cutting a piece of her pancake and eating it. I just sat in the chair. Slumped back. I was internally battling with myself. I whimpered and put my head on the table. Demi put her hand on my back and rubbed it.

"Things will get better i promise." She said comfortingly. I just took everything in at the moment. Demi Lovato is helping me and all I'm doing is crying. I'm just a cry baby.

"How do you deal with me? I constantly cry and nag." I said

"First you cry because you've been through so much and you've held it in for so many years that it built up inside of you and you just broke. I'm here for you baby. Always. You need to talk. Come talk to me. And you don't nag at all." She said getting out of her chair and hugging me. "I will fix you." She said before returning to her breakfast. "Lets change the subject huh?" She asked and I nodded.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"Well it's time to tell my fans and family about you so I am going to do a TwitCam with you after this." She said smiling.

"Then we are going to my parents house. I have off for a whole month so I'm free for a whole month babe. Just for you." She said stroking my cheek as I smiled. This is the best.

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