ChapterTwenty Nine

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Chapter 29

Sophie's POV

I watched from the VIP section while Demi performed. I can tell she loves what she does. Who wouldn't? Demi sang the last song and I skipped backstage and sat on a couch. Demi ran up to me and engulfed me in another sweaty hug. Ewww

"Eww get your sweaty butt off of me." I groaned pushing her off of me. She laughed and gave me a wet kiss on the forehead then ran off to her dressing room. I wiped the slobber off of my forehead and took out my phone and played candy crush. That game is addicting.

Demi walked out and grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bus. She picked me up and threw me on the bed and then flung herself in the bed and snuggled up to me. We eventually fell asleep.


'I was strapped to a bed and Todd hovered over me.

"Hello dear." He said in a menacing tone. He smirked down at me and grabbed a knife.

"This will only hurt a bit." He smiled and then brought the knife down to my bare stomach and slowly dragged it across my abdomen. I screeched then he stuffed a sock in my mouth.

"Shut up bitch." He said bringing the knife to my legs and cut slowly. Then he slashed my cheek two times then walked out of the room leaving me whimpering and bleeding. He walked back into the room with a bucket of water. Well I thought it was water. I was so wrong. It was rubbing alcohol. He slowly poured the substance up and down my body burning and scorching the cut skin. My screams were muffled by the stupid sock. By now tears were fiercely running down my cheeks.


"SOPHIE. BABY GIRL. WAKE UP BABY. YOU'RE OKAY." Demi woke me up from my nightmare. My eyes snapped open I immediately reached for Demi and wrapped myself in her arms and sobbed into her shoulder. She held onto me tightly kissing my forehead and whispering soothing words in my ear. I calmed down my breathing and wiped my tears and lied into Demi.

"Baby. Trust me. He's never gonna hurt you again. I will kill him myself if I have to. I'm gonna protect you forever and I promise you that." She said tracing circles on my forearm before I fell off into a much needed sleep.

Demi's POV

Before when I woke up Sophie she was screaming and bawling at the top of her lungs. I shook her three times before she woke up. The look on her face broke my heart. She looked scared and broken. I just wrapped her in my arms and comforted her. There isn't much you can do in this situation. All you can do is comfort her. When she steadied her breathing I started rubbing circles on her arm with my thumb because I know that always puts her to sleep. It's about 4 am right now and I have an interview in the morning. Ugh. Yay. I fell asleep almost instantly after Sophie did.

Sophie's POV

I woke up and Demi wasn't next to me. I rolled over and saw she left a note. It said that she had an interview with Ellen. In the middle of tour? That's weird. Whatevs. We are still in California. But today we are leaving for Washington. I'm so freaking excited. You do not understand. I rolled out of bed and dragged myself into the living room on the bus and lied on the couch and put on Ellen. I saw Demi walking out on stage. Which meant it just started.

"Hey Demi how are you?"

"I'm great! How are you?"

"Good good. How's you're little helper Sophie?"

"Sophie's great. I love her so much and she's a blessing and I'm glad I found her. Ugh. She brings the best out of everything." She smiled at Ellen.

"Aww so you're like a mom now right?"

"Yeah. You can say that. I kinda see her as my little sister." She said.

"Demi Lovato everyone!" Ellen said before Demi walked to the side of the stage and performed Heart Attack before the show ended. Which meant she was coming back. I quickly turned on Law and Order before she practically ran into the bus and engulfed me in her arms. She smelled so good. Like vanilla and perfection. If that makes sense.

"Morning baby. Did you have breakfast?" She asked. I nodded lying before turning my gaze to the TV. She sighed and walked into the room and shut the door. She was changing. She walked out in a sweatshirt and leggings and joined me on the couch. She pulled my head onto her lap and laced her fingers into my hair and massaged my scalp with her nails. Just at that moment my stomach decides to make a dying whale sound. Fuck my life.

"I thought you said you ate?" Demi said

"I did eat." I lied

"Oh yeah? Then I'll ask Max because he's been watching you the whole time I was gone." Demi said dialing Max and put him on speaker.

"Hello?" Max said

"Hey Maxy quick question. Did Sophie eat breakfast?" Demi asked looking at me

"Nope." He said. C'mon Max! I thought we were good. Damn it.

"Thanks Maxy. Bye." She said before hanging up and looking over at me.

"You're gonna eat whether you like it or not. And I'm not taking no for an answer." She said before dragging me into the kitchen and getting out the cereal. She poured me a bowl of Lucky Charms with milk and put it down infront of me. She put her elbow on the table and watched me like a hawk. I slowly picked up the spoon and put it in the cereal. I picked it up and spooned some Lucky Charms on it before shoving it in my mouth. I chewed it for at least five minutes before swallowing. I can feel myself gaining twenty pounds.

Life. Sucks.

I finished the cereal and Demi put the bowl away. I went to go to the bathroom but Demi grabbed me by my waist and picked me up.

"Where do you think you're going?" She said.

"I need to pee." I lied.

"Nope." She said before placing me on the couch and sat next to me. This suuuuuucks.

"I'm calling the therapist." She said dialing her phone.

A/N HEYY GUYS. SORRY THIS CHAPTER SUCKS. Alright thanks for the reads, comments, and support my loves. If I am in a better state of mind tomorrow I will update. Alright byeeee ☺

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