Chapter 5

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Athena came back five minutes after me waiting. A fresh set of clothes were in her arms.

"Here you are Henry." Athena said, as she handed me the clothes. I smiled slightly as I received them.

"You're quiet for a werewolf. And polite." She said with a small giggle. I didn't know how to answer her comment, so I just smiled.

I then made my way into the bathroom to change. Once I had gotten dressed, I went back into my room.

"You look nice." Athena said in a soft voice. I didn't know why she was being so nice to me. She worked for Lucian. How could any vampire that works for Lucian be nice?

"Thanks. What time is it?" I asked. I had lost track of time when I had gotten drugged, "Eight in the morning." Athena answered. Eight am?! How could it be that time? I wonder what my parents are thinking. Are they worried? Of course they are, why wouldn't they be?

"Your parents aren't worried for you." Athena answered. What she said took me aback, "What?" I asked.

Her face turned bright red, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you I can read minds. It's weird, I know, but it comes in handy." She said.

"Can other vampires read minds?" I asked, "Some, but not much." She replied. I nodded my head in understanding.

"Wait, why wouldn't my parents be worried about me?" I asked her. She pursed her lips, "Well, Lucian has already taken care of the matter. He ordered some vampires to compel them." She said. What?!

"No! Why?!" I asked, "He thought they might call the police or something." She replied with a frightened voice.

"Well duh! I would want them to call the police!" I yelled. Athena collected herself, "It was for the safety of the vampires." She said in a stern voice. She then grabbed my old jeans that I had thrown on the ground, and left the room.

Good riddance. I said to myself. Looks like she did have a bad vampire side to her.


"Down here." Lucian said as he led me down multiple hallways of steel doors.

I followed him down one more hallway before he stopped in front of a door with a small, barred window on it.

He took out a ring of keys and after about a minute, he finally found the right one. He put the silver key into the lock and turned it. It made a quick click, and Lucian opened the door.

There, lying in a dark corner of the room, was William.

"William?!" I exclaimed. I ran up to him and knelt down to his height.

He looked as pale as a piece of paper and his eyes had huge bags under them.

"Oh my god what happened to you?" I asked him.

"He hasn't fed in a while. You haven't either, yet you're still looking fine." Lucian said from behind, "That could come in handy. Not withering away after about two days of not drinking."

"Give him blood." I demanded, "No. He's going to learn a little lesson. Never interrupt my plans." Lucian said angrily.

"How long until he dies?" I asked, frightened.

"He won't. A vampire lives forever, even if they don't drink blood. But, after months, years, decades, they will just be a poor motionless mummy. Just barely clinging onto life." He said.

"William is nowhere near being that yet though." He said.

"Aiden. What, happened?" William asked me. His voice was hoarse.

"I don't really know the full details yet, all I know is that, I've joined Lucian." I sighed.

"What? No, you couldn't have! Why?!" William protested.

"He said he would let Henry and you guys go... Speaking of which." I said, and turned around to face Lucian, "Let William go. And where are the others?" I asked.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Aiden. You see, I have big plans for all of them." Lucian said in an evil voice.

I'm a Werewolf[Sequel to I'm a Vampire]Where stories live. Discover now