Ch2~ The voice of an angel?

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Pic of Liv and Nate~~

Lexi's pov

Entering the school campus I could feel all the stares. You see having a famous father and a twin brother who's the star of the school is supposed to make you get used to the stares.But me being the introvert/shy person I am, walked trying to hide my face from everyone.

Getting out of the car we made our way to the main office and collected our schedules.

"Show me your schedule," Aaron said so I handed him the paper .

" Cool, so we have 5 classes together. Good now I just have to worry about you for the rest of the 4 classes" He said with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

This made me roll my eyes. I am not a freaking baby! " You don't have to worry about me Aaron I am a big girl now I can handle myself."

He was about to say something when I got tackled by my two best friends Liv and Nate.

They hugged me so tight I thought my air supply would cut out any second now!

Liv was a beautiful blonde with hazel eyes. Oh, how I would kill for her eyes! She was taller than me. Almost 5"9 I think. She was really outgoing and confident which made all the guys fall on her feet but she never admits it. We both are like polar opposites and I guess that's why we are such good friends. We met in the 2nd grade where she said she liked my red bow and took it from my hair to put it on her own. I guess we have stuck together since.

Then there's Nate. Short for Nathan.He's what you can call a hot and cute geek. He had dirty blonde almost brown hair with baby blue eyes. He stands tall at 5"11 almost 6"0. He is a great athlete as well as great in studies.

" Guys can't.... Bre... Athe.."

Thankfully Aaron came to my rescue.

" Okay, guys let my sister breathe. So how are you both?"

" Eh. Same old" replied Liv.

" Ya but girl you look hot!" Nate said.

" You are lucky I know that you are gay and you see my sister as your own little sister too or else I would have had started punching you!" Aaron threatened.

Did I mention that Nate is gay?

I and liv started laughing at this while Nate looked like he is going to wet his pants. Aaron can be pretty intimidating when he wants to be.

" Chill bro she is just like my sister." He said, then shifted his gaze to me. " So Lexi any new songs that you practiced and do we have to kick any guy's ass??"

According to my best friends and brother whenever I sing guys tend to fall in love with my voice. I don't think that's even remotely true.

" Ya, I actually learned all of me. And no you and Aaron do not need to kick any guy's ass yet." I said rolling my eyes. Overprotective brothers, I tell ya!

" So what are you waiting for a girl let's go to the music room and show us!!" Liv said a bit over excitedly.

We all went to the music room. I sat at the piano and lightly brushed my fingers over the keys. And started singing while playing it.

What would I do without your smart mouth?

Drawing me in, and you kicking me out

You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down

What's going on in that beautiful mind

I'm on your magical mystery ride

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's under water

But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

'Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh-oh

When I finished they all were applauding wearing stunned expression whereas my brother wore a proud look on his face.

" Girl that was so amazing!!" Liv and Nate complemented me.

After chatting for a while we all left for our classes.

Liv and Aaron had history while I and Nate had calculus. Talk about boring

Soon the bell rang and we parted our ways.

Cameron's pov

I and my best friend jonah were both hanging outside of the school.

Let me introduce myself-

I am Cameron Jones. Known as the bad boy of Greenville high. I gained this reputation because I like fooling around with girls, you can say I am a player. I have never had a real girlfriend. I have dirty blond hair and green eyes and girls in this school can't resist my charm.

My best friend is jonah who is my only friend and I only talk to him on regular basis.

"So man, still planning on playing with hearts then breaking them this year?" Asked my best friend.

" Yup, that's the plan" I replied staring off into the sky.

Suddenly we heard someone sing. We were actually directly outside the music room.

Some girl was singing all of me by john legend and let me tell you she had the voice of an angel. After she finished we heard claps compliments then they all left.

" Dude who was that chick?" Jonah asked curiously.

" I don't know man but surely she has a nice voice."

He agreed then the bell rang. We thought about skipping the first class. Well, we aren't known as bad boys just like that!

Maybe the girl who was just singing will be in my music class guess I'll have to attend that class today.

But I have surely grown a curiosity of who was the owner of that angelic voice.

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