Ch16~ will you go out with me?

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Lexi's pov

Next day in school...

"So you are telling me that Lexi has a crush on Cameron?" Nate asked shocked.

Right now we were at my locker and liv was telling him about the feelings I realized i had towards cameron last night.

"Yes, you dumbo! FINALLY! He gets it after the 4th time!" Liv exclaimed and I just chuckled at that.

"So what now?" Nate asked me.

"What do you mean what now? Of course, she'll tell him how she feels" liv said in a duh tone and hearing that my eyes went wide.

"Are you crazy! No way I am telling him how I feel! What if he rejects me? I can't take the risk of loosing my friendship with him too."

"Hmm, i guess you're right and since you just realized your feelings like last night you should wait and you know try it out I mean what if it's just a tiny crush and your feelings might go away.." Nate said and I and liv agreed.

I hope he's right...

Don't wanna get my heartbroken by the badboy...

After some weeks...

(A/N sorry for the time jump)

Lexi's pov continued.

It's been quite a few day since the whole 'I have a crush on Cameron' talk with Nate and liv.

To tell you the truth I think that the tiny crush I had on him has turned into a major one!

The past days the more i spent time with him I think my feelings just grew.

Liv and Nate know about this and they just try to convince me that it's just a tiny crush. I know they are just looking out for me and I really want to believe them but I can't. I just can't!

The bell rang snapping me out of my world and i went to my locker to get my books.

"Boo," someone said right into my ear and I felt I just had a heart attack.

I saw cameron laughing his ass off!

"You jerk! You scared the shit out of me!" I said trying to look mad.

"Awww is our princess mad?" He said but i just ignored him.

After a few more tries he realized I wasn't going to talk to him untill he apologized.

" come on lexi don't be like that i am sorry" he said genuinely looking like it.

I sighed and just smiled at him which caused a smile on his gorgeous face too..

We started talking about random stuff when Dylan approached us.

"Hey lexi, hey cameron," he said greetings us.

"Heyy Dylan. How are you?" I asked.

"I am fine but umm.. I .. uhh... Wanted to ask you something.." He said nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Umm would you like to go out on a date with me this Friday night?" He asked..

My eyes widened in shock and I almost jumped when I heard my locker being closed by force which made a loud thud noise.

Standing there was Cameron looking like he could rip off anyone's head at any moment..

Before I could even say anything Cameron stormed down the corridor leaving me and dylan.

"Umm Dylan could you give me some time to think about it...." I trailed off trying to get more time to think of a proper excuse to get out off this.

"Sure. I'll meet you here at your locker when the school ends and then you could give me your answer."

I nodded and he went back to his locker with a hopeful smile on his face.

Still kinda dazed I walked to the cafeteria as it was lunch right now but froze midway...

There stood stacy pushed against the locker by Cameron sucking each other's faces off.

I felt heartbroken...

The thing I scared of happening just happened.

My heart broke into a million pieces at the site.

I came out off of my frozen state and basically ran to the cafeteria..

Spotting dylan seated with my friends and aroon.

Without even thinking, i walked to him...

"Yes I'll go out with you"

(A/N hope you guys like this chapter. Please show your support for this book by either voting, commenting or follow me)
Ps: next update soon..

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