ch23- threats and panicking

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Cameron's pov

I was shocked when she told me that she has never had a boyfriend before and hasn't had her first kiss either.

How can I guy not want her? have you seen her!! she is drop dead gorgeous. But I am not complaining. this just means that I'll be her first in everything. I like the sound of that.

I grinned mischievously and neared her.

she gulped.

I told her not to move and stay still and she faintly nodded.

just then I grabbed her by her waist and planted my lips on her juicy, plum ones.

I loved how our lips molded together. She was frozen at first maybe because of shock but after a minute she relaxed and gave in.

I could feel the sparks on my body. This is the best kiss I have ever had!!

we needed to breathe so we pulled away our foreheads still touching.

I couldn't wait anymore. I know I was going to wait till 2nd or 3rd date but I can't anymore. I need the reassurance that no other guy looks at her in that way.

so I asked her to be my girlfriend and she surprised me by saying yes. I actually expected her to tell me that she needs time but she said yes!!!


MY GIRLFRIEND. hmm, i really like the sound of that.

after 2 or 3 more long lasting kisses I finally spoke.

"As much as I am liking kissing you right now we should head home. It's getting a bit late and we have school tomorrow. Plus I really don't have a death wish by your brother" I told her jokingly.

she giggled and helped me the blanket and the rest of the stuff in the car.

we reached her home in about 15 mins. damn! I should have taken a long way.

anyway, i slid out first and opened her door to walk her house door.

As we reached the door she looked up at me and spoke.

"Thanks a lot, Cameron. I really had fun tonight."

"No problem. Anything for my girl" I reply cheekily.

my girl...

she giggled and kissed my cheek and I pouted.

"doesn't your handsome boyfriend deserve a good night kiss? on the lips?" I asked her trying to give her my puppy dog face.

she just rolled her eyes and stood on her toes and gave me kiss. But pulled away too soon for my liking.

"Happy boyfriend?" she asked.

I just grinned that she called me her boyfriend for the first time and leaned in and smashed my lips again to her addicting ones.

after giving her a long kiss I pulled away and picked her again.

" Now I am" she just laughed and suddenly the door opened revealing a very annoyed looking Aroon.

"Yaya . Thanks for bringing my sister back. Now bye." with that he grabs Lexi and pulled her into the house and slammed the door on my face.

I laughed and left their house.

Soon I reached my house and yawning I went to my bed changed into some comfortable clothes.

Quickly sending a text to lex that I am going to pick her tom for school I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Call me a love sick puppy. I don't care but I can see that girl soon becoming the death of me.

Lexi's pov

I was so giddy on the inside. I couldn't wait for school tomorrow.

------ next day----

Last night Cameron had texted me that he was going to pick me up. I quickly got up did my morning routine and went in my closet.

since it was the first day of me being officially his girlfriend I wanted to look nice for him.

I slightly curled my hair and put it up into a high pony. wore a pair of ripped gray shorts with a hot pink crop top with a cropped black hoodie.

There was a loud honk outside the house and I assumed it was Cameron so I rushed quickly down.

kissing Aaron goodbye I went outside the house and saw Cameron leaning on his car. as soon as I approached him his arms wrapped around my waist and he kissed me.

saying good morning to each other we slid inside the car and left for school.

Reaching the school I saw many people gasp. I began getting nervous.

Cameron held my hand as I got out of the car for reassurance.

we walked to our locker not missing the shocking scare off people and some death glares.

Cameron walked me to my locker then left to pick something out from his.

I heard a squeal and saw liv and Nate demanding answers. I told them what happened last night and opened my locker.

A note fell to the floor and I stared at it wide-eyed reading what it said.


I gave you a warning before to stay away from him but you didn't. Now pay the consequences.

Don't miss lunch today. I'll make sure it will be the best lunch you have ever had in your entire life.

I am really having a bad feeling about this...


(A/N hope you guys like the chapter. please FOLLOW, COMMENT AND VOTE if you o :)))

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