Ch17~ WHATT!!!

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Lexi's pov

(A/N. Ohhhh cameron's gonna spy lexi's date. Excited? Please vote and comment if you like the chapter.

Dylan was smiling like he just won a million dollar lottery and the rest of them had their mouths hung open.

"You will?" He asked confirming.

"Yes. Just tell me the details later on." He nodded and left and trust me I think I saw him skip.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT??" Nate, liv, and aroon exclaimed at the same time.

"Dylan asked me out on a date 10 mins ago and I said yes," I told them as it was the most common thing and sat down.

"So you don't like cameron anymore?" Nate asked stupidly and I glared at him.

"WHATTT!!!!" Aroon shouted and now half of the cafeteria was looking at us.

"Yaa I kinda had a crush on Cameron," I told him looking at my lap.

"I don't why am I not surprised by that. Guess I saw it coming" he said and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Wait if you liked him then why did you said yes to Dylan?" Liv asked me curiously.

The images of what I saw in the hallway came back and I let out a gloomy sigh.

"I saw Cameron and Stacy sucking each other's faces off" i told them like a whisper.

"WHAT!!!" They all shouted in unison and once again the whole cafeteria was looking at is like we were insane.

"Would you guys stop doing that!" I hissed at them.

"And yes Cameron had pinned Stacy down the lockers and they were kissing. I don't know I think I just felt heartbroken and without even thinking I told Dylan yes."

"He hurt you?. I AM GONNA KILL THAT BASTARD!" Aroon hissed.

"No, you don't need to do anything Aroon. It's wasn't his fault that he doesn't like me and he didn't even know that I liked him either so don't tell him anything. Please?"

I pleaded.

He let out a defeated sigh and nodded.

"So you're gonna go tomorrow out with him?" Nate added.

"Well seems like I already said yes so why not just give Dylan a chance. Besides, I don't want to hurt him." I told them and they nodded in understanding.

"Well, in that case, i am so gonna do your hair and makeup!" Liv said a little too excitedly and we all chuckled at that.

The bell rang soon and we all departed to our classes.

---- FRIDAY----

Lexi's pov continued..

It's Friday today which means it's my first date tonight with Dylan.

Me and Cameron avoided each other yesterday like plague.

I was still hurt and upset but I can't blame him for not liking me back.

So right now we all were seated at our regular table talking absolutely rubbish.

The bell soon rang and we all stood up to leave except liv.

"Liv you coming?" I asked her curiously.

"You guys go I just have some unfinished buses", she told me I just raised my eyebrow in response but left nonetheless.

What was she going to do???

Cameron's pov

Me and Lexi have been avoiding each other since yesterday.

When dylan asked her out on a date I was beyond pissed.

I felt like ripping his head off!!

I stomped out angrily when Stacy caught me. She started grinding against me and kissed me.

I needed something to loosen my anger so I kissed her back.

Anyways right now I and jonah were walking in the deserted hallways when liv came up to us.

"ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID??" She shouted at me.

"Excuse me?" I exclaimed i bit confused.

"I said are you fucking stupid! Why were you exchanging spit with that slut in front of Lexi! Do you have any idea how much you hurt her!" She explained and my eyes widened at that.

Lexi saw me and Stacy kiss. Now any chance of me and her is gone. Why did I have to be so stupid!

"Why did you do that anyways I thought you hated Stacy," she asked anger clear in her eyes.

"Oh feisty I like it," Jonah exclaimed beside me and me and liv both gave him a look.

"Look I didn't mean to kiss Stacy and I had no intention of hurting Lexi. I would never do that on purpose she means to much to me! It's just that I like her. I like her a lot and when Dylan asked her out I just lost it and then stay came to me and it just happened ok?" I told her.

"Well, you are really stupid because she was going to tell him no until she saw you and that slut making out which just broke her heart and she said yes to Dylan. So good luck with getting her back!"

With that she walked off!

MAN! I really fucked up! I actually thought that lexi might say yes to him but she was gonna say no. Well, that was until I fucked it all up.

I was glaring at the floor aimlessly when a brilliant idea came to me.

"Jonah be ready tonight. We have got a little mission to spy on." I told him mischievously and we both walked off to our classes.

She is mine! Dylan can not have her and he won't!!

Next update soon..)

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