Ch35~ ending

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Cameron's pov

When I saw Dylan on top of a naked Lexi all I saw was red!

Anger had consumed me fully.

I ripped him off of her and punched him so hard that I am sure he won't be able to feel his face tomorrow!

After making him unconscious I locked gazes with a broken Lexi.

She looked so fragile laying there with tears coming out of her beautiful eyes.

I quickly ran to her and taking off my t-shirt I pulled it on her.

I picked her up in my arms making my way outside where most of Adam's guards were laying unconscious.

She looked so little in my arms.

I will never let her go now.

When she came face to face with Mikayla she was shocked!

She thought she was dreaming and even pinched herself twice to make sure of it was real.

She was hugging Mikayla with a big smile on her face.

Ohh how could I do anything for that smile?

We all thought that it was over now until we heard Adam and the gun shooting facing Mikayla.

Lexi stood in front of her without any thought and before either of us could react the bullet had already hit her.

Mikayla quickly took out her gun and shot Adam and he fell to the ground in a second.

Lexi was losing her balance so I quickly picked her up again really worried that I might loose her again.

I said I soft 'i love you' and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead before rushing to the hospital with the others.

So here I was in the hospital next to a pale Lexi who was connected to too many wires.

She had been in the coma for a few hours and I just can't get the energy to move.

I just really really hope she wakes up soon.

She's my whole world.

I can't live without her.

I just can't.

Lexi's pov

I woke up to a sound of the beep.

I opened my eyes blinking several times trying to adjust them with the brightness around me and sat up.

"You're awake!" Someone exclaimed and I saw a very tired but happy Cameron beside me.

He quickly came and smashed his lips with mine.

Oh, how I missed these soft lips.

"I love you! I love you so fucking much! Don't you dare do that to me again!!!" He said while bringing me in a bone crushing hug.

I froze at those words and slowly pulled away.

"You love me?" His eyes widen and a dark red color formed on his cheeks.

"I.. Uhh. Umm, yaa I do. But if you don't it's ok but I'll wait for you and-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his this time.

"I love you too," I told him causing him to smile like he won a million dollar lottery.

Suddenly the door burst open and in came my family.

"You're awake" they exclaimed together.

And I was again engulfed in yet another bone crushing hug by Aaron, liv, and nateN.

I looked up and saw my parent smiling at me along with Mikayla.

I totally forgot about her!

I quickly ran to her and hugged her tightly. Afraid that I might loose her again.

"I missed you so much," I said tears coming out from the corners of my eyes.

She hugged me back.

"I missed you too little one," she said and I could hear the smile in her voice.

"What happened to Adam?"

I asked everyone and their smiles became one of sympathy.

Maybe because of what happened to me.

"You don't have to worry about him. He's dead now" my parents exclaimed and I gasped.

"And what about Dylan and stay? They were in on it too"

I asked and I saw Cameron's expression darken.

"They are in jail now"

He told me and right at that moment someone shouted 'group hug' and we all came in for one.

It was all too perfect.

We were all happy grinning like mad people when something clicked me and I shouted.


And they all laughed in response.

The moment was just perfect...


A/N 2nd last chapter!!!!
There will be an epilogue after this so be sure to check that out.
ND VOTE!! ;)

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