Ch34~ saved?

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Lexi's pov

I was laying on the ground beside the bed.

My body lay their frozen, energyless and covered with bruises.

The beatings had gotten worse these past few days.

It was like Adam didn't want to kill me. He just wanted to torture me for the 10 yrs he spent in jail because if me.

He was making this awfully slow and painful. That was his main agenda!

I gathered up some energy and sat up on the bed.

There was a mirror in the front and I looked at it.

I saw a broken girl with tear stained face and black and blue body due to the bruises.

I was sitting there watching my reflection when suddenly the door burst open and in came a very angry looking Dylan.

"You bitch!" He said and came closer to me.

He strongly smelt of alcohol and I was really suspicious if he was drunk. Which was confirmed when he opened his mouth.

"Why don't you love me!" He said slapping me in the process.

I stayed there silent which was not a good idea because that made him angrier and he gripped my hair in his fist and crashed his filthy mouth on mine.

He kissed me really hungrily and gripping my hair tighter making me wince when he realized that I wasn't kissing him back.

I just sat there completely frozen. Not making even a single movement.

He pulled away and slapped me again telling me to kiss him back and with that he crashed his mouth on mine again.

This time he kissed me really roughly and he pulled my hair really hard like a warning to kiss him back.

I slowly started to move my lips against his really scared of the consequences.

He pulled away lust clear in his eyes.

He started leaving kisses down to my neck until he reached my chest and stopped.

He looked at me once again and I noticed the sudden darkness in his eyes.

Without hesitation, he ripped open my top and then my shorts leaving me in my black bra and underwear.

"So sexy" he mumbled taking in my almost naked appearance.

He was going to rape me!

I don't wanna get raped!

Adrenaline spread to my entire body and I started panicking.

I tried to push him away but he would just slap me again and continue touching me which made me feel disgusted.

"This is really getting in the way don't you think?" He said playing with that straps of my bra.

With a swift moment, he took off my bra and threw it somewhere in the room.

He started sucking and biting my breasts really hard making me scream in disgust.

"Shut up you whore!" He said once again slapping me.

In one swift moment, he took off my panties and positioned himself on top of me.

I screamed the loudest I could in hope that someone might hear it and come.

Just as he was about to enter into me the door was broken.

And in came a very dangerous looking Cameron.

Once he noticed the position we were in and realized what was happening he became red with anger.

I could see his veins popping out and practically feel the smoke coming out of his ears.

He ripped him off of me and started punching him really bad.

After a lot of punches and kicks, a unconscious Dylan fell on the floor and Cameron's eyes met mine and immediately became softer.

He pulled off his shirt and pulled it on me covering me.

He picked me up bridal style whispering that it's alright, he's here and I am safe now while I just sobbed onto his shirt.

He carried me out of the room where Aaron and some girl were fighting off Adam's men.

Kicking the last one unconscious both of their heads snapped to me and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Mikayla?" I whispered not able to think straight.

She and Aaron ran quickly to me while Cameron lowered me so I could stand on my feet.

As soon as I touched the ground I was engulfed in a big hug by my brother and my supposed to be a dead sister.

"How are you still alive? Am I dreaming? I am definitely dreaming!" I rambled on not believing what my eyes showed me.

"Shhh. It is me." She said hugging me even more tightly.

"Well look what we have heard" a voice came from behind Mikayla and we all looked.

There stood a kind of beaten up Adam with a gun in his hands.

"You didn't die then but will surely now" with that he pulled the trigger and I shouted an NO and stood in front of Mikayla.

I lost her once I will not loose her again.

It all happened way to fast that I almost didn't register the second bullet being shot which made Adam fall down on the ground in an instant.

I looked around my head feeling really dizzy and the voices around me suddenly began to disappear and a faint 'I love you' was all I heard before darkness consumed me.


I can't believe it's coming to an end so fast!!
There will be another chapter after this along with an epilogue.

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And don't forget to FOLLOW and VOTE! :))

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