Harmione (Harry and Hermione)

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I do find this cute. I would probably ship this if it weren't for Hinny. They had more of a friendship than Hermione and Ron ever did. But I also feel that because they have always been just friends that it should stay that way. So in the end, do I ship it? Well, I have my reasons for no and my reason for yes.

Why yes:

1. have always gotten along (most of the time)

2. would look cute together

Why no:

1. have always been friends, should stay friends

2. Ron was always hopelessly in love with her, I'd feel bad if in the end when he finally had the guts to admit it Hermione also admits she likes Harry because hey, it would have to happen somehow

3. Hinny, Dramione (that's another story)

So really, I ship them more as friends than together. So, do I ship them? No. I don't hate the ship, but I don't exactly agree with it. I have my opinion, you have yours. Don't think I'm trying to offend anyone. But also, would I read a Harmione fanfic? Yes, I actually would. Like I said, I don't hate the ship. It had neither sailed or sunk, just stayed exactly were it is.

Rate: 6/10

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