Snupin (Snape and Lupin)

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Until recently I've never even heard of this ship.

You're probably wondering where I even heard of this ship in the first place. Well, I was reading a fanfic and Snape and Lupin happened to be together. No, I wasn't reading Snupin, it was Drarry. Unfortunately, it was filled with smut and dirty jokes but haha whatever. Like I've said before, any good author can make a ship work. It worked in the story, but I personally don't ship them together.

First of all, they have always been enemies. They literally hate each other, and somehow I don't think they could have a love-hate relationship. I've also said before I don't ship Snape with anyone. I don't mean that in a rude way. If someone came along that would be perfect for Snape, I would gladly ship that. I just don't know anyone in the Harry Potter series that I think would be cute with Snape. And I ship Remus more with Tonks, or even Surius. But yeah, Ronks is super cute and I don't think anything could top it.

I don't find Snupin disgusting, although it does sort of make me uncomfortable. It's a very unusual and weird ship.

Do I ship it? No.

Rate: 0.5/10

So life update: it's not a very happy one, but my grandma could pass away any day now :( She has cancer in so many places, and she is in hospice. The doctor said she only has a couple days left. Just two days ago she could still go up the stairs and have a conversation with me, but now it's all changed. . . So just know if I'm on wattpad less that's probably why.

On a happier note, I have a crush on this really cute girl! Unfortunately I doubt she likes girls but oh well.

Right now I'm also listening to my playlist, "songs older than me" lol. That at least makes me happy. I honestly love 70s and 80s music. Although, not as much as top and p!atd.

Okay, I'm done haha. Bye!

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