Bellamione (Bellatrix and Hermione)

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Okay, why? Just why?

No offence to people who do ship this, I just don't understand why. If you ship this, I'd really like an explanation as to why. I hate being rude and bashing on other peoples ships because honestly we all have our opinions. I just personally don't like this ship.

First of all, I can't even think of one reason that people ship this. There's a huge age gap. In some previous comments people have liked to say that age doesn't matter, but it's a little weird if the age gap is that big. So let's say Hermione was like twenty, Bellatrix would've been at least forty. (I know Bellatrix died, but that's not the point). Imagine if your were dating someone who was double your age. That's sounds a little weird, doesn't it?

Also, Bellatrix basically tortured Hermione. I don't see how that's romantically a good match. I just don't see them ever working out. In fact, I can't see them even ever being close to liking each other when they basically hate each other's guts. It would just never happen.

Do I ship it? Well, clearly not.

Rate: 0/10

I was going to post something this weekend, but I was sort of procrastinating. Anyways, I survived my first week of high school. Well, plus two days now. I can't lie, I hate it. But I'm alive!

Doctor Who is just so good. . .

Okay bye!

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