Dramione (Draco and Hermione)

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I have lots of mixed feeling with this ship. Lots of people have written Dramione fanfictions that I have fallen in love with. But let's be realistic, what really caused people to start shipping them together? They aren't really alike or anything. I guess in ways they can be, but not really. Like I don't really see them together in reality. I do kind of like them together. If Jk Rowling actually made them get together it would have been great. But really, because of the story line it couldn't have happened. It would have changed everything. But in fanfictions I must admit that I really like them together.

Do I ship it? Yes. I guess you guys are starting to see that my reasoning doesn't make any sense.

Rate: 9 or 10/10

Romione or Dramione? I can't really pick. What do you guys think?

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