Dean x Ginny

644 16 19

I don't know if anyone really ships this. I actually even forgot this was a ship even though it did happen in the books. It's not like I'm completely against it or anything, I just don't see it at all. I mean, Ginny was with him while she probably still had some feeling for Harry, so I find it unfair to Dean. Also, the only person I see Dean with is Seamus.

Do I ship it? Not romantically, but definitely as friends. I feel like if they didn't get together they could have been really good friends. They both love quidditch and all.

Rate: 3/10 (would be lower if I wasn't considering brotp)

Guess what it's my birthday! I'm not sure if I should be happy or not because I'm kind of scared to get older. . .

There's people outside working on my deck and it's annoying as all hell. Save me.

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