???? (Albus [Potter] and Rose)

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Again, I don't know the ship name. This ship is definitely not a very common one. To be honest, I didn't even know it existed. I just never though or even considering the two being a good couple. I also ship Rose with Scorpius too much to ship this. I'm not sure who I ship Albus with, but it's not Rose.

Unfortunately I do not have very many thoughts on this ship. It's to me sort of an unusual ship. It's not that I find it disgusting or anything, I just never really thought about it. I TAKE THAT BACK! They are cousins so it would never work! Yeah, that would be gross.

So in conclusion, do I ship it? No.

Rate: 0/10

I've been trying to update everyday lately, but I kind of broke that chain. Sorry I didn't update yesterday. Oh well, you get an update today!

Thanks to everyone who has been requesting ships because i'm really starting to run out of ideas. Please continue to do so in the comments!

If anyone knows the ship name for Albus and Rose could you let me know? It doesn't even need to be the exact ship name, but something that sounds alright. Thanks! Xx


New thing! Ignore the square brackets! That's just for my own eyes to keep track.

Do I Ship It? (Harry Potter) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin