Hermione x Cormac

1.2K 35 47

Why does this exist?

How can people even see them being together? Cormac is just an arrogant jerk to everyone he crosses paths with. Hermione also clearly states how much she doesn't like him, and the only reason why she invites him to Slughorn's party is because she knows that it would annoy Ron the most. Clearly, she's doing out of jealously because of someone else. (Ron, obviously.) Personally, I don't know anyone who ships this. I can't see it. I mean, I used to say that about many ships but this one just crosses the line. I don't think any good author could ever make me ship this.

I don't really know Cormac enough to ship him with anyone. In fact, how about Pansy? Yes. That works. Hermione, on the other hand, I ship more with Ron or Draco, or even Ginny. Heck, I even ship Harmione more than this and I can't stand that ship.

Come on people, why does this even exist?

Rate: 0/10

I won't be answering my usual question unless I don't clearly state it in my explanation. Lately I've just been finding it too pointless. But I will continue doing rates.

Guess what guys? This story has gotten 5k reads! How did that happen?! It already got over 400 reads since the last time I updated, which is almost half of 1k! The reads are definitely exiting, but sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it when honestly all I'm doing is giving my opinion on stuff. Anybody could do that. But it doesn't mean I'm not grateful!

So, a couple weeks ago when I reached 3k I said that I was doing a Q & A. Sadly, I didn't even get one question in. So I'm going to try this again! Do you guys have any questions? I will literally answer anything.

Lately I've been updating every other day, and I'm sorry for that. I think for now I might continue doing that, but I'm not sure.

Lastly, and more ship requests?

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