Pansmione (Pansy and Hermione)

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I don't really like Pansy so I find it really hard to ship this. She reminds me of many things, like for example, the girl who used to torment me with words when I was in fifth grade. She also reminds me of my brothers who can be rather cruel at times. I just find Pansy really rude. I really like Hermione and I feel like she deserves better than Pansy. If Pansy was nice then I probably would ship this, but because of her reputation I don't really. It would be kind of cool though if they had an unlikely friendship.

But come on, just imagine all the fights that they would get in. I just feel like if they had a relationship it would barely last. Those two are complete opposite, for one. Pansy is also a little two obsessed with Draco for this to work (but aren't we all?). I can see that maybe people believe that she might have been like Draco in a way and changed for the better after Voldemort was defeated. We know Draco did change, but as far as we know, Pansy did not.

So do I ship it? No.

Rate: 3/10

Every time I give my opinion on ships I feel horrible like I'm offending someone. I'm really sorry if I am! I'm just giving my opinion. That's the purpose of this book, right?

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