Marthur (Molly and Arthur)

1.2K 50 39

The ship name doesn't sound right, but it was the best I could come up with!

These two are honestly so cute together. This ship and rarely mentioned, and I have my theories as to why. So here we go!

Generally the more popular ships are the ones that people are more opinionated on. Like for example, Dramione and Romione. Those are two ships that people often debate about and others have very strong opinions on whichever one they ship. What I'm trying to say here is that the most commonly known ships are also the ones that not everyone agrees on. As much as I might ship Hinny, there's also a whole load of other people who don't. And as much as the idea of Snamione makes me want to vomit, other people think that they'd be adorable together. Remembers guys, to respect everyone's opinions! Because while you have your opinion, they have there's as well! (Sorry, just had to add that in.)

Ok, so getting to the point. I think that when ships aren't very well known (ex. Ginmione, Rily, Rarry) it in most cases means that the larger part of the fandom do not ship it. It is rarely discussed because people have no need to argue and fantasize over it because in the minds of most the fantasy doesn't exist. I think that with Molly and Arthur it is quite the opposite. I think that most people doesn't really think too much about this ship because no one disagrees with it.

I myself just can't see either of them being with anyone else. I think most people agree with this. If you don't, please let me know! I'd actually be curious if anyone shipped them with anyone else.

But guys, really, if they weren't together then none of the rest of the Weasley family would exist. We need all those gingers in our life!

Do I ship it! Obviously!

Rate: a strong 10/10 (wow, using words now. What has this world come to?)

Thanks for all your votes!

Comment your opinions on Marthur!

I'm going to be doing a Q & A in honour of getting 3k! So if you would like to ask me any questions then just comment or pm me. Commenting would be easier, just saying.

So please, ask away!

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