Scorlily (Scorpius and Lily)

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I don't really ship this. I don't have anything against it, I just don't ship it. First of all, the Potter and Malfoy family were sworn enemies. I realize that Harry and Draco learned to understand either other, but I still don't think Draco's reaction would be very good if Scorpius introduced Lily as his girlfriend. Lily is also a few years younger. I know age doesn't really matter, but still. I feel like Scorpius would probably go for a girl more his age during his years at Hogwarts (*cough* Rose *cough*). I also do ship Scorose too much to ship Scorlily.

So do I ship it? Nah. More as just friends.

Rate: 3/10

Thank you to everyone who continues to vote and comment!

(I don't ship this but the art above it really cute!!)

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