Fremione (Fred and Hermione)

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I don't see this. There's just no chemistry between the two. Fred loves getting himself into trouble and pranking, while Hermione is against it. Just imagine how much they would fight if they dated, and not just the old married couple kind of arguments. They wouldn't last a day. I'm not totally against this ship. It's not like it disgusts me or anything, I just don't see how it's possible that it would ever happen. Sorry Fremione shippers! I mean, I have read a Fremione story here on Wattpad and it was good. Like I may have mentioned before, almost any good author can make a couple look alright.

So do I ship it? Nope. Sometimes I wonder why I still answer this question when my reasoning makes it obvious.

Rate: 4/10

When I look for the pictures above it's always so frustrating because I search for the ship name. It's always proven to be a huge mistake. I can't even tell you how many times I searched 'Hinny' forgetting that only some weird donkey horse hybrid is bound to show up. If the ship name isn't some crazy creature or object, it's most likely a place. I was so happy when I found pictures of Fred and Hermione by searching 'Fremione'. Yes, I thought you might like to hear that story.

Dear lord I accidentally put Fred and George instead of Fred and Hermione in the heading. I hope no one saw that. . .

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