Romione (Ron and Hermione)

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I guess it's alright. But I don't really ship it that much. I mean come on, Ron never treated Hermione very good in the books but yet she still liked him? I never understood that. Plus they always were arguing. Some people may say, "aww! They argue like an old married couple!" No. Just no. First of all, they weren't even married at the time. I'll admit, in ways I find it cute that even after marriage they still argued, but in ways it showed that maybe they didn't belong together.

Do I ship it? Yes, I do. You might think I'm crazy after all explaining that explaining above. But J.K Rowling put them together, and that just settles that I believe they should be together too. (Even though she admitted that them getting together was a mistake.) I do also like that through everything they've been through they still like each other. It shows that anything is possible if you just believe it is.

Rate: 9/10 (lol it doesn't make sense after what I just said)

I think that's all I have to say for now about Romione. What is your opinion on Romione? I also want you suggesting the next ships I should do, I've got no suggestions yet!

Another questions for you guys, do you think I should add a one shot for every ship I do? Like for example, in this chapter I'd do a Romione one shot. If you think I should do this, how should I? In the comments, answer option a, or b.

A) for every ship, wether I like it or not, the one shot has to be good when the feelings are evidently shown between the two, or friendship is shown

B) if I like the ship, I use option a. If I don't like the ship, the one shot can show hatred between the two

Please, I would love some comments!

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