Ravender (Ron and Lavender)

785 15 41

I can't ship this. I just can't.

I can't find any good reason to ship this together. If I ship something without any good reason, I would usually say that I think they're cute together. But Ron and Lavender aren't cute together. What they had wasn't 'love'. It wasn't even close. Lavender was just using him so they could run around snogging left and right, and Ron was just happy because someone actually liked him for once. Of course he would gladly date her. Most people would. I just don't like relationships like that, so how could I ever ship it?

I get that perhaps Lavender changes when she's older. The thing is, we never get to see that change in her. I never liked her as she was, and because of that why would I want to ship a character that I like with her?

Question, did Lavender die? I know that Fenrir had attacked her in the last book, and she definitely looks dead in the movie. I always assumed that she was dead, but did they ever clarify if?

Rate: 1/10

Okay guys, I know it's been forever since I last updated. I'm sorry!

I wish I had more to say, but I'm not about to go off about my personal life, it would bore you. So. . .

I was thinking more about the idea to have oneshots with every ship I did. I was going to do it a while ago, but I never did. What do you guys think about me doing that? But there's the thing, I would want to rewrite this whole thing with the oneshots, but that means I lose all my reads. But I don't want to really do it all in this story either. What do you think?

Anyways, that's all. Please vote and comment on your opinion about this ship!

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