Poly Ships

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Okay, so I'll just be doing all poly ships in general because all my opinions will be the same anyway.

So this might just be me being ignorant and close-minded, but I kind of find poly ships weird? Maybe that's because I've never read Harry Potter fanfiction—or for that matter anything—when a poly relationship was a thing. I hardly even know why it means, besides the basic definition. Like, why is it a thing?

Someone care to educate me more? I really don't mean to be offending anyone right now.

On another note, I'm currently writing a fanfic au that takes place in a high school in Brooklyn (lol it's Stucky) and I have no idea what school is like in the US. How many periods are in a day? I think homeroom is a separate class where they do announcements and such, but I don't really know. What even if a pep rally? What are they for? What classes do you take, because I swear whenever I read a novel or fanfic there's always like a million classes I've never heard of. We've got the basics like math, science, english, history, geography plus business, tech, visual art, music and others. Like, what the fuck is stats and social studies? Hello, sorry I'm an ignorant Canadian who needs help.

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