Filch x Mrs. Norris

805 21 37

Yes guys. I ship this sooooooo much. I mean, clearly they were a thing. He's like a crazy cat lady besides he only has one cat and isn't a lady. If you don't ship this then there's something wrong with you. They are perfect!

Do I ship it? YESSSSSS

Rate: 10000000/10

Okay, maybe I was being a lil but sarcastic, if you couldn't tell. . . Though in all honesty I ship this as like a joke. I probably ship Filch with Madam Pince more though.

So I need to write a 55 word short story for school and I need some ideas. Please help! I'm desperate! It can be about anything. Also, I need some ideas for things to do to help the environment. Like, really good ideas so tonight I can tell my other group members instead of being the looser with no good ideas like usual. Wattpad with become my new help line when I need help with school.

Guys! It's pride month! Unfortunately, I'm finding hard to be too excited because my parents are homophobic assholes. But at least my school supports it and we have a pride flag up. Though I cannot exactly say that the students are very supportive. I still hear the word 'faggot' probably five times a day.

Anyway everything is gay and I really want to read Carry On by Rainbow Rowell (I think that's the author?) but I'm too afraid my mom will find out it's like super gay and kill me. At least she still doesn't know about Trails of Apollo. . . Hehe.

Sorry this authors note is so long.


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