Severus x Lucius

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Is it Leverus? Probably not, that just sounds weird. It could also not exist, because really, who is there that actually ships this to create a ship name for it?

Guys, that's like basically an intro to this opinion. Should I always do that? Don't I already? I honestly have no idea. Let's just got on with this before I bore you guys so much that you leave.

I hate saying a ship is wrong. Like, Snape and Lucius are just two people and I don't see how someone could say that this ship is disgusting. Yeah, I guess it is a little weird. But to me a ship can never be considered disgusted unless it's insect or there is a huge age gap. One might argue with maybe a ship like Bellamione saying that it's disgusting because of the way that Bellatrix treated Hermione. I do agree with that statement. But saying two people being together is disgusting isn't really right. What if they were really real people and actually together? I'm sorry I went on a little rant there, I just thought that could apply to all ships. Daily lessons from Fleur. Okay I need to stop.

I personally do not ship this. I barely even look at them as friends. Besides, I could never really see Lucius being with anyone else other than Narcissa. I think they're good together. And I just don't really ship Snape with anyone. I just don't see any reason to ship this.

Rate: 1/10

I am so sorry that I haven't been updating at all lately. I think it's mostly because I have lost interest in most of the ships I'm giving my opinion on, and I just don't have that much to write about them. It's not that I don't have the time, because I definitely do. I mean, I just spent on hour of my life watching Dan Howell's live show. Now I'm just bored as hell and that's basically the only reason you lovelies are getting an update.

Now, I have a question. What would you guys rather see?

-ship book (of all ships)

-rant book

-book of randomness

-art book

-a fanfiction of some sort (I have a few ideas (haha not really, I'm just looking for more to add to this list))

I might not completely go by what everyone says, but I won't ignore it either because I want to write something that people would actually want to read.

Update tomorrow maybe? If you guys get lucky and request more ships, then yeah!

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