Blackinnon (Sirius and Marlene)

2K 45 89

I'm sorry, but I do not ship this. Marlene was never a major character and I know almost nothing about her besides that she was part of the original Order. I just don't see any reason to ship Blackinnon and I honestly don't see why people do ship it. Did Sirius ever indicate that he had any feeling for her? No. Did he ever really mention her? No. I'm not so sure why she stood out so much that people suddenly decided that her and Sirius would make a great couple. I realize that the fandom was probably just searching for someone to ship Sirius with, but why Marlene?

I'm sorry if I offended anyone in anyway. But for some reason I just absolutely hate this ship. I don't know how many other people feel the same way, but I am curious. Please comment your thoughts on Blackinnon, because I would like to know your reasons for shipping it and not shipping it.

Do I ship it? NOOO!!!!

Rate: 1/10 (sorry Blackinnon shippers)

I actually forgot what Marlene's name was. This whole time I was just going by her last name until I finally searched it up. If that doesn't show how much I don't care for her I don't know what does.

Thank you for all your votes and comments!


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