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Guess what? We hit 10k! Once I saw that I almost screamed. I've always dreamed of getting something on wattpad to 10k reads, and now I've done it! But it's all thanks to you guys, the lovely readers! Thank you for sticking with me through whatever this had been. Thank you for voting, commenting, and just simply reading. I don't really understand silent readers but I ain't gonna judge. . . You do you.

I feel terrible that I've been so horrible with updating. There's a simple explanation for this: I no longer have any interests in the ships I'm doing. This does not mean I'll be abandoning this book. But I do think that soon I might start a ship book that includes all ships. What do you guys think? Also, now I'll only be doing the ships that are requested so I don't have to take the time to find one myself. So please request. Of no one does, no more updates.

So I made a cover book a little while ago. I was wondering if maybe you'd check it out and request for me to make you some covers? I swear I'm not doing this for reads or promo, I just would like some practice with making covers. I'm not terrible, but I know I could get a whole lot better. Plus I really enjoy making covers. You don't even have to comment on my cover shop story, you can also pm me. You don't even have to use the cover. Like I said, I just want practice. Heck, you don't even have to have a story for the cover. You can just make something up. I'm not great at coming up with covers on the top of my head, especially when I don't even have an idea for a story that it could be for. That's why I find it so hard to practice making covers. So please request a cover from me? You don't even need any payments of any sort, your only payment is that you allow me to practice. Okay I think I'm done lol.

Now a random question, favourite band/artist?

Should I start asking random questions after every ship I do?

Once again, thanks for 10k!

Happy Thanksgiving to you fellow Canadians! (Wait, do any other countries celebrate today? Is there even thanksgiving in other countries? Gosh I feel so stupid.


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