Drinny (Draco and Ginny)

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They would be an odd couple. To start off, they never even talk to each other. I don't see how suddenly they could fall for each other. I kind of think they would be cute together, but we all know that JK Rowling would have never even considered putting them together.

I really wish that in the books they were friends. I love the idea of them being friends. I actually am currently in the middle of reading a Drinny series and it is really good. That's what got me starting to think that they would be alright together. Although I think most of you disagree.

Do I ship? Well. . . I'm kind of in the middle of yes and know. I'm just going to say I ship them as friends. That works.

Rate: 7/10

Should I write a Draco and Ginny fanfiction? It would be about them developing a friendship. I could call it, "A/The Forbidden Friendship" or "An/The Unlikely Friendship". I'm not sure if 'a' or 'the' works better for the title. Do you guys actually think I should do this? Or would you rather me right a different fanfiction? The options are below!

-Drinny (friendship)

-drarry (friendship)




-solangelo (that's from a different fandom, lol)

Comment below what you think!

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